Links in Word Doc to specific worksheets in Excel Workbook?



Can this be done?

I am trying to resolve an issue in Excel by adding a Word document. I would
like to create an index in Word that has links to specific worksheets in an
Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is complete and has 150 worksheets (tabs)
but I can't seem to get the links in the Word document to go to the specific
tabs - only to the Excel file.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

University of Maine student

Pam - I am not sure if I understand you but generally, the best thing to do
in Word is: Insert, Object. Micorsoft Excel Worksheet. (If necessary, format
the spreadhseet first so that it will look good in Word, e.g. get rid of cell
gridlines etc.)

Are you looking to insert all 150 worksheets into MS word?

If you are trying to index the worksheets you may want to look into creating
a concordance file.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?UGFt?=,
I am trying to resolve an issue in Excel by adding a Word document. I would
like to create an index in Word that has links to specific worksheets in an
Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is complete and has 150 worksheets (tabs)
but I can't seem to get the links in the Word document to go to the specific
tabs - only to the Excel file.
Generally, hyperlinks to Office files in another application only open the file.
They aren't able to jump to "targets" within a file.

You'd probably need to use macro code in Word, rather than hyperlinks, to
actually move to target areas in the Excel workbook.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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