Links Issue


sara rogers

I have created a Power Point slide to serve as a "main menu" for a CD that I
am creating. It has a list of other PDF files that I want to link to that
are on the same CD. I used Power Point 2002 to create it, and when I run it
on my computer it works and allows me to click on the links. I tried to show
my co-worker and it did not work for him at all, he has Power Point 2003, I
tried with another co-worker and it also did not work and he has Power Point
2003 (it would not allow him to open the files, it said that they could not
be found), and I tried with a third co-worker and it did work but she has
Power Point 2003. Is there something that I am doing wrong?

Echo S

Using PPT 2002, it's harder to use Package for CD, but it might be worth
doing so just to resolve the links and make them work properly from the CD
by creating "relative" links instead of "absolute" links (which is probably
what you have now, and why they won't work on other machines).

So, select File | Pack and Go, and don't check the box to include the
Viewer. After you've packed and gone, double-click the PNGSetup.exe file the
pack and go process created. This extracts your PPT file and all the linked
PDFs to a folder. Copy that folder to the CD.

Or follow the rest of the instructions at to create an autorun CD,
which will probably make your life easier in the long run.

sara rogers

Thanks a million

Echo S said:
Using PPT 2002, it's harder to use Package for CD, but it might be worth
doing so just to resolve the links and make them work properly from the CD
by creating "relative" links instead of "absolute" links (which is probably
what you have now, and why they won't work on other machines).

So, select File | Pack and Go, and don't check the box to include the
Viewer. After you've packed and gone, double-click the PNGSetup.exe file the
pack and go process created. This extracts your PPT file and all the linked
PDFs to a folder. Copy that folder to the CD.

Or follow the rest of the instructions at to create an autorun CD,
which will probably make your life easier in the long run.

What's new in PPT 2007?
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances

sara rogers said:
I have created a Power Point slide to serve as a "main menu" for a CD that
am creating. It has a list of other PDF files that I want to link to that
are on the same CD. I used Power Point 2002 to create it, and when I run
on my computer it works and allows me to click on the links. I tried to
my co-worker and it did not work for him at all, he has Power Point 2003,
tried with another co-worker and it also did not work and he has Power
2003 (it would not allow him to open the files, it said that they could
be found), and I tried with a third co-worker and it did work but she has
Power Point 2003. Is there something that I am doing wrong?

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