


spreadsheet a and linking to b. spreadsheet a's date comes in as 3/16/2014
on spreadsheet b even though it says 3/15/2010 on spreadsheet a.

i have same format for date in both

Dave Peterson

One of the workbooks is using a base date of 1900 (normal for WinTel users) and
the other is using 1904 as the base date (normal for Mac users--and users who
want to see negative dates/times).

You could change the base date to match.

In xl2003 menus:
Tools|Options|calculation tab|Check or uncheck the 1904 date system checkbox.

But if you do this, then all the dates in the workbook that you're changing will
be off by 1462 days--and you'll have to make sure you fix all those dates.

But as long as you're aware of the cause, you can add/subtract that 1462 value
to your formula:

=[book2.xls]Sheet1!$A$1 - 1462

(or add that value. It'll depend on what workbook is sending the value and what
workbook is receiving.)

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