


I created a link between Word 2003 and Excel 2003 using a copy/paste special
I just discovered, however, that if I change my excel file (let's say, by
inserting another row), the Word document links don't work. I must be
missing something. How can I make it so that the cell reference changes?
Also, when I'm in the Word document, what does this mean?: Sheet1!R1C1" \a

Thanks, Jeannine

Stefan Blom

I believe you have to close and re-open the Word document to see the changes.
Note also that changes outside of the Excel range that you pasted (as a link)
won't be reflected in the document.

The instructions you are seeing are the so-called field codes; you can press
Alt+F9 to hide them again. It refers to the sheet and Excel range that is
linked into the Word document.


Can you/anyone suggest a good place to learn about the "ins and outs" of
linking cells in an Excel worksheet to a Word document? I checked out a
book (3 inches thick) at the library that has only 1 sentence about links.
Thanks, Jeannine


I'm not sure what you meant by "don't work" in your original post. However,
I'm going to assume that the links aren't actually being broken, but that
the update in the doc isn't what you expected based on inserting rows.

If I'm on track with what you meant, the embedded Excel object will *not*
change in _size_ in the Word doc but the changes made in the displayed area
should be visible. IOW, Inserted/deleted rows or columns as well as any
other changes should take place immediately if the doc & workbook are both
open when the change is made, but the amount of space occupied in the doc
will not change - 10 rows tall to begin with is all that will show even if
you add 50 rows in the worksheet. Anything beyond the established object
space will not be displayed. If you want an area more or less than the
original object you will have to replace it with a new copy.

If the *content* within the object's area isn't updating, go to Edit>Links &
make sure the link's Update Method is set to Automatically Update.

Also, when opening the doc while the workbook is *not* open should generate
a prompt as to whether the updating should be allowed.

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