



I need a word document linked to some tables in Excel. These tables need to
be formatted nicely in Word and be updated at a press of a button. Each
Excel file has links to various sources including other Excel files and also
Routers. I have tried this in the past, but seem unable to format the table
in Word and it keep the formatting after the update to the links. Also, when
updating links, I get a dialog to each Excel file asking if I want to update
links in that file. With lots of tables, this gets very annoying.

Does anyone have any VBA ideas that could help me please?

Thank-you very much


Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi John,
I need a word document linked to some tables in Excel. These tables need to
be formatted nicely in Word and be updated at a press of a button. Each
Excel file has links to various sources including other Excel files and also
Routers. I have tried this in the past, but seem unable to format the table
in Word and it keep the formatting after the update to the links. Also,

Normal behaviour. Localized formatting will be lost as soon as you update
the the link. You have to format your table in Excel so that it appears as
desired in Word. If for some reason, you need an Excel format and a
different Word format, the easiest I have found is to reproduced the table
in Excel on a second worksheet with formulas referring back to the original
data (so that you only need to make changes in one place), then format that
copy the way you want it to appear in Word. Use that second table in Word.
updating links, I get a dialog to each Excel file asking if I want to update
links in that file. With lots of tables, this gets very annoying.

Links in Word pointing to data in Excel, also containing links to other
Excel workbooks, which in turn might also have such links pointing to
workbooks store on a LAN, or possibly a WAN?
And if I understand correctly, you would like the whole thing to update
seamlessly and quickly? Seamlessly may be possible with VBA at the opening
of the document, but will probably be complex... But quickly? Doubt it. Or
define what you meant by "annoying". Without more to go on, it is diffuclt
ot give an VBA code examples.

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:


Jean-Guy Marcil said:
Hi John,

Normal behaviour. Localized formatting will be lost as soon as you update
the the link. You have to format your table in Excel so that it appears as
desired in Word. If for some reason, you need an Excel format and a
different Word format, the easiest I have found is to reproduced the table
in Excel on a second worksheet with formulas referring back to the original
data (so that you only need to make changes in one place), then format that
copy the way you want it to appear in Word. Use that second table in Word.

Links in Word pointing to data in Excel, also containing links to other
Excel workbooks, which in turn might also have such links pointing to
workbooks store on a LAN, or possibly a WAN?
And if I understand correctly, you would like the whole thing to update
seamlessly and quickly? Seamlessly may be possible with VBA at the opening
of the document, but will probably be complex... But quickly? Doubt it. Or
define what you meant by "annoying". Without more to go on, it is diffuclt
ot give an VBA code examples.

Annoying: At the moment, with say 10 tables, I get 10 prompts. Therefore
that's annoying.

I have tried individual cells as linked unformatted text, but then i get a
prompt for each cell, so 1000 prompts!!! Obviously this takes ages to
update too.

Is there a way in Excel to constrain the imported table to a size. For
example, we use A4 page size in Word, but an Excel table has no real limits
and therefore hard to judge the size.



Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi John,

Have you considered changing the nature of the links? By default, when you
create a linked table/graphic form Excel (or from any software), Word sets
the link to automatically update, that is when you print, when you open the
document, when you save, etc.. Change the link to manual update (Edit >
Links...), so at least, you will be in control of the updating itself, it
will not bother you when you do not want it to..

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

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