

Kerry Purdy


I am so near - yet so far. I have a bookings database storing, room
bookings, training course bookings, resource bookings (projector, flipchart
etc) and catering bookings (pub lunch, buffet lunch etc.).

Currently I have managed to join together my room and training bookings,
display them as a cross tab query to show the date as the colum heading, the
room as the row heading and then the client name or course name as the value.
The user enters a date range on a switchboard, hits the button - hey presto
- all is well so far.

I then had trouble displaying it professionally, cross tab reports made my
head hurt, a lot! I just don't understand how to set them up. So I went down
the Excel route instead. I linked my cross tab query to an excel file, thus
giving me the option to control column width, font size etc. Output to Excel
didn't let me do this.

Now what I have done is inserted the linked Excel file into an Access form,
so now the user enters the date range, hits a button which runs the queries,
then opens the form with the Linked Object (Excel File) However, it only
updates the link manually, even though, checking all the properties it is set
to be automatic. If I can sort this I will be chuffed to bits. I know I am
probably going the long long way round but I really got stuck on crosstab
reports and there is no-one else here who knows Access and i couldn't
understand the demo databases from the forum.

I haven't a clue how to now add in the Resource and catering requirements to
this matrix either - any suggestions other than "you are dim" would be
gratefully appreciated.

Thanks very much indeed for your time.


Pieter Wijnen

if my memory serves me there's a refresh method for the object

ie obj.refresh (check the help file)


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