Lions and Tigers and Spam, Oh No!



Just my wry two cents:

How come the link in Outlook telling me I have a response waiting can't get
me into the forum with my message ready -- and the spam bots CAN get in? (Two
recent messages with goofy spam) I don't know about the rest of you but when
I click the "Response waiting" link in an Outlook2007 automated message
(telling me someone has answered one of my posts here) I go to a Welcome
screen for application newsgroups worldwide that requires five clicks to open
OneNote Discussion in English. After signing in with my info, the forum is
not filtered to show my response.

This used to work. I just miss the convenience of the previous behavior. As
my 12-year old would say: "Oh well." (Meant to communicate, "Get over it.")


Rainald Taesler

Jonathan shared these words of wisdom:
"Response waiting" link in an Outlook2007 automated message
(telling me someone has answered one of my posts here) I go to
a Welcome screen for application newsgroups worldwide that
requires five clicks to open OneNote Discussion in English.
After signing in with my info, the forum is not filtered to show
my response.

Totally different on my side.
I'm using this place in the way it was originally designed - as a
"NewsGroup* and not as some Web forum.
I'm using Outlook Express (OE) which - besides mail - works fine as a
newsreader. It's installed on each and any computer running under
Windows from Win95 onward.

The differences are huge. And I simply hate the Web-Interface which MS
put on top of the NewsGroups because this most important medium often
is not known anymore these days [siiigh]

Did you ever work with NewsGroups and a newsreader? If not, I could
explain it a bit more. In short:
One just creates an account for the newsgroup in Outlook Express
(similar to creating an account for mail). And then one downloads what
has been posted (either headers only or the full messages). That's an
affair of a few seconds.
And then one has it all available locally.
In a nice threaded view one can climb up and down, open and close
threads and branches.
One can mark (flag) postings, colour them, use filters, search in all
of what was downloaded etc. etc.

As too my taste ways superior to working on the MS website.
It's just like the difference between working with mail in
Outlook/Outlook Express and working with mail through a web-mail

Only downside - compared to the usage of the web -interface -: no
But this IMO is not important at all. When downloading my mail in
certain intervals I let OE collect the things in the newsgroups too.
So it's just jumping to a different folder in the mail-application to
see what's on the NGs.


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