list attachments in a form or record



I have figured out how to add attachments to a record, but the default way of
handling them on forms isn't the greatest. I would like to be able to have a
list of the attachments directly on a form (I have a form that lists details
for contacts and I would like one of the fields to be the list of
attachments). I would also like the ability to select and open the
attachments from the form. Is this possible? I did a quick search and
haven't found any discussion that covers this. I'm using Access 2007.

Mark Andrews

First I would question that maybe you shouldn't store the documents in the
database in an attachment field?
Don't want your database growing too much etc....
You could use a table which is related to your main record and store the
paths and shell to view the files themselves.

If you want to use an attachment field you can use code to cycle through the
attachments and display them how you like. Here's some code that loops
through an Attachment field and actually save the files. You just need a
small portion of this to loop through and grab the "filename" for each
attachment in the ONE attachments field.

'Open recordset of attachments, save each one to disk and assign to
attachments() array
For iii = 1 To 9
Attachments(iii) = ""
Next iii
filepath = CurrentDBDir() & "Attachments999\"
If Len(Dir(filepath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir filepath
End If
iii = 1
Set RSAttachments = rs.Fields("Attachments").Value
While Not RSAttachments.EOF
If (FileExists(filepath &
RSAttachments.Fields("FileName").Value)) Then
Kill filepath & RSAttachments.Fields("FileName").Value
End If
RSAttachments.Fields("FileData").SaveToFile filepath
Attachments(iii) = filepath &
iii = iii + 1

Hope that gets you started. I just wrote some code for dealing with an
unlimited number of files and folder associated with accounts and contacts.
Email me if you want to see that code/approach.

This code on MSDN will also help (if you stay with the attachment approach)


Mark Andrews
RPT Software



I thank you for your help. I was under the impression that when Access lists
the files in its default Attachments field, it's actually listing just a
"shortcut" if you will to the files, not actually storing the files in the
database. That is all I need, really. Because they are PDF files, I don't
want them to be stored in the actual database. I just want a list of the
file names to appear on the form with the ability to double-click on the file
name and open the file.

Mark Andrews

send me an email and I'll give you the code I used. See website for contact

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