List Box: A second chance



No hits on my first attempt (maybe because I used bug in the subject line???-
Or am I being impatient)

Here's my 11/25 post_
In sum: I have two forms. The main form is the first point of data entry
for screening purposes of individuals within a specific population. All
individuls from a seperate source are entered via this form, thereby creating
unique records for each. The primary key (ID) is an auto numder. This form
uses a list box for searching and verification purposes to avoid duplicate
records. And when a name is clicked, it popualtes the form with that
individuals associated information (retrieved from the main table). If an
individual is identified as being "eligibile" based on certain criteria, the
data entry person checks the "eligibility" check box control (data stored in
the main table). Based on a query (qry_Eligibility_List), these "eligible"
individuals are funneled to a secondary form (second point of data entry)
called Eligibility List. This secondary form has a subform to log contacts
(stored in a secondary table). Similar to the first form, I've have a list
box that allows the user to click on the name of the desired individual and
thereby populate the form with their specific inormation. Overall it works
well but I'm having a couple of problems.

Row Source Type:
Row source:
SELECT qry_Eligibility_List.ID, qry_Eligibility_List.LastName,
qry_Eligibility_List.[#Last4Digits], * FROM qry_Eligibility_List ORDER BY
qry_Eligibility_List.LastName, qry_Eligibility_List.[#Last4Digits];

The Primary key (ID) column width is set at 0, with only the last name and
#Last4Digits showing.

Problem1: When someone is checked as "eligible" on the main form, and then
the secondary form is opened (via a control button on the main form) to
display all records from the eligibility qry, ListBox1 tends to get hung up
on a filter. The new name is visible in the box, but when clicked does not
display the record information on the form until the filter is removed.

Problem2: When I have two or more identical last names (Mr. Tree, Mr. Tree,
Mr. Tree, etc.), only one of these records will populate the form. However,
you can see all of the last names (Tree, Tree, Tree, Tree), along with their
associated last4digits, within the list box.

Shared wisdom would be fantastic!

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