List Box - Select All



My query searches my table of employee records based on three possible
selections from a list box - "Active" - "Retired" - "All". When I select
Active or Retired it works ok - how can I get the query to show all records
when "All" is selected in the List Box since none of the records have that
value ?

This is the formula I am using in my query

Like [Forms]![F-Print-By-Flt]![List16]


Duane Hookom

Set the criteria to something like:
Like [Forms]![F-Print-By-Flt]![List16] or [Forms]![F-Print-By-Flt]![List16]
= "All"

BTW: you should do yourself a favor and change List16 to something more


That works ....

And thanks for the advise...

Duane Hookom said:
Set the criteria to something like:
Like [Forms]![F-Print-By-Flt]![List16] or [Forms]![F-Print-By-Flt]![List16]
= "All"

BTW: you should do yourself a favor and change List16 to something more
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

George said:
My query searches my table of employee records based on three possible
selections from a list box - "Active" - "Retired" - "All". When I select
Active or Retired it works ok - how can I get the query to show all records
when "All" is selected in the List Box since none of the records have that
value ?

This is the formula I am using in my query

Like [Forms]![F-Print-By-Flt]![List16]


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