list box value won't hold


Kyle Powderly

In a database constructed by a co-worker, there is a list
box listing 4 values - call them 1, 2, 3, and 4. If I
input a new record, click on that list box and use the
arrows to choose a value - let's say "1" - I'm OK.

Here's the problem: if I navigate from that newly-entered
record to the previous record, and that previous record
has a different value in the list box - say "2" - when I
return to the newly-entered record, the value in the list
box stays at "2", so the value for that first record has
now been changed from "1" to "2" without any user input.

I have even made sure to click on the list box, choose
the value, click on another field in the record, even
close the form and re-open it, but if I move from one
record to a record with a different value in that field,
the first value will remain displayed and change the
value for the second record.

How do I get the value to hold when I change back and
forth within records?

Andy Picton

I'm curious if you are positive that the selected number is being saved to
the underlying data table.
It kind of sounds like the listbox is not tied to a field, it may just be
unbound and not saving the value anywhere.
Two ways to check...
1) look in the data table at the new record and see if it saved the number
in any of the fields.
2) if you create a new record, select something in the drop down list, close
the form, re-open it, navigate to the new record. Does the drop-down list
have any value in it if you haven't selected one?

(e-mail address removed)

Bruce M. Thompson

How do I get the value to hold when I change back and
forth within records?

Is the listbox bound to a field? Check the "Control Source" property for the
listbox and see if it contains a fieldname.

Kyle Powderly

The field in the form is bound to the entry in the table,
BUT I think I may be on to the source (so to speak) of
the problem.

When I examine the properties of the field on the form,
the Control Source is the name of the field in the table
from which the form has been built, the Row Source Type
is "Value List" and the Row Source shows the four
possible selections in quotations. Seems OK so far.

BUT, when I open the table in design view and look at the
Lookup properties of the field in question, Display
Control is "Combo Box", Row Source Type is "Value List"
and Row Source shows a virtually similar list of possible

So what I'm thinking here is that the table is looking
for the values from its own list, and not necessarily
holding the value chosen in the form. My best guess here
is that, on the table, I should change the Row Source
Type from "Value List" to "Field List".

Would that then pull the values for that field on the
table from the field on the form, and solve my problem?

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