List Boxes



I have added List boxes to a new form. When they receive the email they
check the boxes and send the email. However, when I open their sent mail the
boxes are no longer checked. I read the email that indicated properties,
values and add new. But I've typed the question in directly next to the list
box. Do I need to add a new field also for the question??? I'm not sure I
understood the properties & values piece of the list box function. There also
doesn't appear to be enough room to type the entire question in the value tab?

Hollis Paul [MVP - Outlook]

Do I need to add a new field also for the question??? I'm not sure I
understood the properties & values piece of the list box function. There also
doesn't appear to be enough room to type the entire question in the value tab?
You need a new field for each checkbox; then you need to bind the check box to
that field and you may need to add code to reset the check boxes to checked or
unchecked depending on the field values during item open.


That is the piece I'm missing. I don't know how to bind the two together.
And where do I go to write code for checked or unchecked?????


I have bound the check box with the field under properties, value, choose
field. However then it puts a check in the box and greys it out making it
impossible to check the box. You indicated I needed to add code somewhere.
Can you help me with that???

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Is the bound property a Yes/No property? That's required for a check box's
bound field.


Initially I added a Field type and pulled it out onto the form. I then
replaced the box attached to the field type with a check box. I right clicked
on the properties of the check box and under the value tab I choose the field
to correspond with the field I inserted on the form. I thought to bind them I
had to "Choose Field" under the Value Tab in order to assign it to a field.
But all that did was check the box and grey it out. Perhaps I didn't "bind"
them correctly. I'm not sure how to make it a Yes/No Value.

Hollis Paul [MVP - Outlook]

That is the piece I'm missing. I don't know how to bind the two together.
When you drag you check-box to the form in design mode, and afterwards, of
course, right-click the control, choose properties and one of the tabs will
have a place where you can assign the value to a field. That tab is called
the Bindery, and you can also set up initial values and there is also a place
to create formulas, but that may be on a different tab.
And where do I go to write code for checked or unchecked?????
When you are in design mode, one of the buttons in the tool bar has an icon
that looks like a balloon in a comic strip and is white inside a border.
Click that and the code editor will come up. The code editor page is where
you write code. Now, the Item-Open event has a pre-written event handler stub
which you can select in the Events drop-down list in the code page.

You can find code examples on and .
Find and use the search function on those site. You will discover all kinds
of good stuff.

Hollis Paul [MVP - Outlook]

I'm not sure how to make it a Yes/No Value.
When you tell it to create a field, it asks for the type, and I think
you can choose the type from a drop-down list. Yes/No type should be
on that list. You probably also want to make sure it is field defined
in the folder, rather than just a field defined in the Item.

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