List & Cross Reference Problem


Mike Dalton

I am running with W98 & Word 2000.
I have a document that contains a table. The first column of the table
contains list numbers. Another column of the table contains cross
references to the to the list numbers. If I add or delete rows in the
table and then Update Fields, F9, everything works fine.
Now the trouble begins. I select the table and copy and paste it after
a page break. The list numbers are a continuation from the first table
so I select the first row and do a Format > Bullets & Numbering >
Reset. This now has the list numbers of the copied table starting at
1. I then select the copied table and sort it on different columns.
This also works fine and the list numbers are also fine at this point.
I then select the copied and sorted table and update the fields, again
F9. The trouble is that the cross references in the copied table are
not updated.
Any and all help will be appreciated.

Word Heretic

G'day (e-mail address removed) (Mike Dalton),

never use dynamically generated reference targets - numbered lists,
headings etc. You may get away with it for a short while, but it will
always come to bite you in the back - especially when copying content!

It is a bit tricky, but here is what I would do in a macro if this is
a regular requirement:

Copy selected table to a temp document
Rename all bookmark fields with a 2 on the end
Rename all reference fields with a 2 on the end
Copy table from temp doc to final spot.

You then place bookmarks in the rows that require reffing to.

Note that the rename with a two on the end should actually increment
any existing number or append a '2' if there isnt one.

(e-mail address removed) (Mike Dalton) was spinning this yarn:
I am running with W98 & Word 2000.
I have a document that contains a table. The first column of the table
contains list numbers. Another column of the table contains cross
references to the to the list numbers. If I add or delete rows in the
table and then Update Fields, F9, everything works fine.
Now the trouble begins. I select the table and copy and paste it after
a page break. The list numbers are a continuation from the first table
so I select the first row and do a Format > Bullets & Numbering >
Reset. This now has the list numbers of the copied table starting at
1. I then select the copied table and sort it on different columns.
This also works fine and the list numbers are also fine at this point.
I then select the copied and sorted table and update the fields, again
F9. The trouble is that the cross references in the copied table are
not updated.
Any and all help will be appreciated.

Steve Hudson

Word Heretic, Sydney, Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words for you.
Email (e-mail address removed)

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