List numbering doesn't end



Word2k and new to this specific ng as well as using styles.

Set up a list style using letters.
Works great but (there's always a "but"!);
How do I get the "numbering" to stop, or, more accurately, start again?
Have "a)" - >"g)" in the list.

Go back to "Body text" then another list.
List starts with "h" vs. "a)".

In all my "innocence" (and after reading some of the posts here and
"Googling" I'm feeling downright virginal!) I assumed that Word would
detect the "break" and start again - wrong!
I'm (obviously) missing something fundamental here.

Any "gentle" hints to start me on the road to enlightenment?

Charles Kenyon

See: How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in your Word
<URL:>. This
will probably be all you need, but if you are interested or really need to
know, it is based on ...

Word's Numbering Explained

Further information can be found at:

How to Create a Template, Part II

Seven Laws of Outline Numbering

The following are some discussions on the Microsoft newsgroups on numbering:
Nightmare on ListNumbering Street <URL:,18&ic=1>
The Joy of Lists <URL:,15&ic=1>
Relinking ListTemplates <URL:,12&ic=1>
Outline numbering: restart doesn't restart <URL:[email protected]#p>
Format Doesn't "Hold" <URL:[email protected]#p>
(above list compiled by Dave Rado, Word MVP)

ListNumbering Street Revisited <URL:>

See the latest numbering discussion I've seen, especially post #4 which
contains Dave Rado's concise instructions for setting up heading numbering.


Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Bruce Brown

Rob -

Don't wanna fry your brain learning how to set up outline numbering?
Try this.

Press Ctrl-F9 and between the brackets type { LISTNUM NumberDefault \L
2 \S 1 }

Then press Alt-F9 to see what you've wrought. Behold, an a)!

Now press Ctrl-Alt-l (as in the letter "el"). Press it again. And
again. And again. Behold, b), c), d) and e)!

That's about it. Copy and paste the { LISTNUM NumberDefault \L 2 \S 1
} to start your lists, then Ctrl-Alt-l to continue them.

These are simple lists. When you get into outline numbering, you'd be
well advised to go to Shauna Kelly's site that Charles referred you

- Bruce


Thanks for the info, I'll do some playing with it.

All I'm trying to do is define a list style that I can apply to "number"
the list but have it start re-numbering when a new list starts.
I wanted the style so that I could apply it in VBA. I'm creating a
document generator, something I have done in the past.
However, after years of ignoring styles I decided to bite the bullet and
learn what I can as I've found that it is certainly the way to go
(shouldn't have waited this long, but..). In my playing around I found
that I can avoid a lot of coding by using styles (why re-invent the
wheel or push a string uphill?!).
My frustration, as often happens with me when learning something new, is
the list style didn't work the way I thought it should(!). This usually
means I've missed the point but, in this case, my research didn't turn
up a clue as to what I was doing wrong.

I have Shauna's site bookmarked (along with many others) and "troll"
through the ng's looking for items of interest.

I'll just keep plugging away because I know there's a simple answer and
I'm too thick-headed to see it!
(although the outline numbering still appears to be a "black art"!!)



Thanks Suzanne.
After looking at this information I know that I'm not alone in my
confusion/frustration (it helps somehow):).

This should take care of my bus ride reading for awhile!

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