List Numbering: How to Get Level One to Appear As 1.1?



Hey All,

In List Styles, or any number style for that matter, we've all seen the

1. Some Title
1.1 Some Title
1.1.1 Some Title

.... and so on.

What I'd like to know, is how to get the first level of a list to look
something like this:

1.1 Some Title

or, perhaps better said:

How can I get the number formatting to allow me to have second and third
level incrementations via customization?

I see the field codes but I can't seem to copy and paste them or change them
in any manner.

Any advice?




Hey Suzanne,

I am familiar with this link.

What I am asking, if based on the link, is that my "Heading 1" numbers look
like those in from the "Heading 2" example.

Can this be done?

If so, how?



Suzanne S. Barnhill

In the example the first 1 represents Level 1 and the second represents
Level 2. And I am asking you, if you want 1.1 in Level 1, where does the
other number come from?


Hey Suzanne,

When you say "where does the other number come from", I'm not sure what you
mean. Are you asking me why I need to start with a sublevel like that?
It's actually not my request but, rather, those I work for ;-)

If you're asking me, from a technical perspective, where the number comes
from, I am not sure.

Ideally, I wish that I could have a numbered style that would increment 1.1,
1.2, etc. whereby I could also set the starting top level number (i.e. 3.1,
3.2, etc.).

-- TC

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If the starting number is fixed, then you type it in as plain text (in the
"Number format" box) before the number field, just as you would type in
"Chapter" or "Section" or the like.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Well, I still don't understand how they're incrementing, then. What causes
the first number to increment? If the problem is that there is a
higher-level style that is not numbered, then this can be worked around by
making it Level 1, formatting its number as Hidden (followed by "Nothing"),
and then using the Level 1 and Level 2 numbers in the Level 2 style, which
would be the first one to display numbers. But you have to have some way to
increment or restart the numbering in your first numbered level, and the
only way to do that is to have a higher-level style (numbered or not) to do
the job.



Hey Suzanne, that 'hidden' idea is great. Hadn't thought of that.

Thanks for the help.



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