I was happy to find that Word will add a numbered list after I start it but
not so happy that when I change back to non-list typing my margins, tabs,
etc. change. Can't seem to find where to turn off this automation. It appears
that at one point I did somehow turn it off but also lost my automated list
function. When I eventually (somehow) got my ability to automatically create
a numbered list back that margin changes, etc. returned also. Where can I
turn off the change in margin settings and still automatically created list
not so happy that when I change back to non-list typing my margins, tabs,
etc. change. Can't seem to find where to turn off this automation. It appears
that at one point I did somehow turn it off but also lost my automated list
function. When I eventually (somehow) got my ability to automatically create
a numbered list back that margin changes, etc. returned also. Where can I
turn off the change in margin settings and still automatically created list