List of all planned tasks and the days planned for each


Neil Thewlis

Trying to get a list of all tasks which are planned for
the month and the amount of man days in that month
planned for each of the tasks.

If I can then get this done then would like to get
actuals in the same way.

Tried playing with views, custom fields and monthly
calendar reports but to no avail. Any ideas.

Neil Thewlis


Hi Neil,

Have you looked at the Who Does What When Report
[View --> Reports --> Assignment]? The report shows the
number of work hours (not man days) for each resource.
If that is along the lines of what you are looking for,
you can edit the report to show the time in months. You
may also like to add the column totals from the Detail
tab to show the total work (in hours) per month.

You can also edit the report (I'd copy it first and
rename it) to show Actual Work instead of work.

If you wish project to translate the number of work hours
to work days, go to Tools --> Options --> Schedule tab
and change the "Work is entered in" to Days.

Hope this helps. Let us know if you were looking for
something else.


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