List of Character Codes (ALT + numeric keypad = character)


Joe Johnson

-----Original Message-----
Paper manuals of old versions of Word listed "Character
Codes" for the keystroke combinations for inserting all
characters. The function still works (ALT + 80 on the
numeric keypad inserts an uppercase P, for example).
Where is the list of these keystroke combinations
available? On-line help under "Character
Codes," "Codes," "Symbols," etc. hasn't supplied the
Hi Antionet, I hope my reply is helpful to you. You can
produce a printable listing of ASCII codes by using Excel.
The function for this is CHAR. Make a list of the numbers
from 1 to 255. Insert the CHAR function next to each
number, using the number as the argument for the function.
This can all be accomplished quickly by using autofill
etc. The problem is that this method does not help you
with the more exotic Unicode stuff above 255. If that is
what you need, then I have not helped you. If this
explanation for the ASCII codes is not clear, I will
gladly send you an example. (I am new to newsgroups and
not quite sure how to do this. email?) I also looked in
Help and did not find any easier way to print a list of
symbols. Joe.

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