List of Figures



I would like to have chapter numbers and page numbers in my table o
figures. Please note, I am not talking about the caption - I'm talkin
about something that looks like this

Figure 1 My first figure..........3-1

currently my table of figures uses the style "Figure title" to pick u
what goes into the table.

I'm a little boggled by what happens when you go "edit field code". I
does not appear to show anything other than the dialog box for you t
create a new field code. Does it show the current field code anywhere?


garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Don't go "edit field code". Just press Alt+F9 to toggle on/off display
of field codes in the document. The TOF should automatically show 3-1
or whatever if you correctly set up page numbering with chapter numbers.
But I suspect you instead manually typed the chapter number in front
of the page number field...

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