- Nehmo -
- Eric Lawrence [MSFT] - ("MSFT" in this case means he works for MS)
It should be noted, however, that most fonts are copyrighted. Just as
downloading an image or a song doesn't necessarily give you rights to use
that media, having access to a font doesn't mean you're legally licensed to
use it without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
- Nehmo -
Although you're not specific, you seem to be giving a legal warning to
the poor OP, who, BTW, is doing some small work for his church.
If that font isn't in the public domain, it might as well be. As pointed
out earlier, MS provides it with Word 2003.
What we're talking about here is just a font, and a widely available one
at that.
Moreover, how would you know if a font is copyrighted or not? In a brief
I found several places that *appear* to be (at least implicitly)
claiming copyright for the font. It looks like Bitstream
http://www.bitstream.com/ might be the true copyright holder (at least
in the US or Bern Convention signatory nations), but I can't be sure.
And how do you know that the places that sell the font acquired it by
legitimate permission from the copyright holder? And why should the
copyright laws be so respected; have you looked them over? And how do
you know that the copyright holder (and even that is an ambiguous term)
didn't rip-off the real creator?
In any case, some sites seem to be offering Goudy Old Style for free:
I didn't bother getting the file (so I can't vouch for the file),
because I already have the font, and I don't use it anyway.