List of items with option group




I've already posted a couple of questions about my DB to which I've had
excellent help so far, so if this sounds familiar that's why!

I have 3 tables - Labtests, results and antibiotics. Each labtest can have
many antibiotics each with a result, and I've had help sorting this out by
referring to the northwind DB. Currently I am able to select a lab test and
then each antibiotic in turn and enter the result via an option group -
resistant, sensitive or not tested. What I'd ideally like is that when the
test is selected I get a list of antibiotics with an option group next to
each one so that I can just run down the page putting ticks in the relevant
boxes rather than having to select each antibiotic and then click its result.
Is this possible? As there are currently 22 possible antibiotics it takes a
while to do individually!

Many thanks for any nice simple help you can offer!!

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