Here you are:
MySchedule.webpart My Schedule
OWCViewPart.webpart Data Analysis
ProjectCenterPart.webpart Project Center
ProjectDrillDownPart.webpart Project Details
ProjectWorkspacesPart.webpart Project Workspaces
QueueStatusPart.webpart My Queued Jobs
RemindersPart.webpart Reminders (that main webpart on PWA with the list of
Issues, Risks, My Tasks, etc.)
ResourceAssignmentsPart.webpart Resource Assignments
ResourceCenterPart.webpart Resource Center
StatusApprovalsPart.webpart Task Update Requests
TaskPart.webpart My Tasks
TeamAssignmentsPart.webpart Team Tasks
TimesheetPart.webpart My Timesheet
Export the webparts, and add the first line of code in the following string
using Notepad.
<property name="PsiUrl" type="string">
<property name="Title" type="string">My Schedule</property>
<property name="Description" type="string">Calendar view of my tasks.</property>
<property name="PartImageLarge" type="string">/_layouts/images/msimagel.gif</property>
Import back into the target site collection. When placing on the new site,
make sure to add My Timesheet first, then any of the other webparts. You
can remove My Timesheet later, but it must go on first to activate the features
required for the other Webparts.
Hope that helps...
- Andrew Lavinsky