List of records >10 days old


Linda RQ

Hi Everyone,

I am using Access 2003. I want a list of patients who are active and have
been on therapy >10 days as well as a field that shows how many days they
have been on therapy. I have a tblPatients and a tblTherapy with the fields
I need. I created a query joining these 2 tables and only showing active
patients with LastName, FirstName, AdmNum and their ThpyStDtTm. The active
field is Y/N in my tblPatients. Once I get only the records >10 days old, I
need another field that gives me the total days the patient has been here.


John W. Vinson

Hi Everyone,

I am using Access 2003. I want a list of patients who are active and have
been on therapy >10 days as well as a field that shows how many days they
have been on therapy. I have a tblPatients and a tblTherapy with the fields
I need. I created a query joining these 2 tables and only showing active
patients with LastName, FirstName, AdmNum and their ThpyStDtTm. The active
field is Y/N in my tblPatients. Once I get only the records >10 days old, I
need another field that gives me the total days the patient has been here.


I presume you have an AdmitDate or some such field?

If so, you can use a criterion

<= DateAdd("d", -10, Date())

on that field to find only records where the AdmitDate is ten days or more in
the past. Also add a calculated field by typing

DaysInTherapy: DateDiff("d", [AdmitDate], Date())

in a vacant Field cell. Use your actual date field's name in place of
AdmitDate of course, and change DaysInTherapy to whatever fieldname you would

Linda RQ

John W. Vinson said:
Hi Everyone,

I am using Access 2003. I want a list of patients who are active and have
been on therapy >10 days as well as a field that shows how many days they
have been on therapy. I have a tblPatients and a tblTherapy with the
I need. I created a query joining these 2 tables and only showing active
patients with LastName, FirstName, AdmNum and their ThpyStDtTm. The
field is Y/N in my tblPatients. Once I get only the records >10 days old,
need another field that gives me the total days the patient has been here.


I presume you have an AdmitDate or some such field?

If so, you can use a criterion

<= DateAdd("d", -10, Date())

on that field to find only records where the AdmitDate is ten days or more
the past. Also add a calculated field by typing

DaysInTherapy: DateDiff("d", [AdmitDate], Date())

in a vacant Field cell. Use your actual date field's name in place of
AdmitDate of course, and change DaysInTherapy to whatever fieldname you

Hi John,

I do have an admit date but that is not added until after the patient is
discharged and we are only looking at patients who are still in the hospital
and on our services > 10 days. I'll try this tomorrow when I get back to


John W. Vinson

I do have an admit date but that is not added until after the patient is
discharged and we are only looking at patients who are still in the hospital
and on our services > 10 days. I'll try this tomorrow when I get back to

Do you have - somewhere! - the starting date that you want to calculate from?
If not, you're up the creek!

Linda RQ

John W. Vinson said:
Do you have - somewhere! - the starting date that you want to calculate
If not, you're up the creek!

Oh worries, ThpyStDtTm = therapy start date and time. That is
what we want to see, any patient who is on therapy more than 10 days. I
think I can plug the right thing in to the right place. I'll let you know
sometime tomorrow.

Linda RQ

John W. Vinson said:
Hi Everyone,

I am using Access 2003. I want a list of patients who are active and have
been on therapy >10 days as well as a field that shows how many days they
have been on therapy. I have a tblPatients and a tblTherapy with the
I need. I created a query joining these 2 tables and only showing active
patients with LastName, FirstName, AdmNum and their ThpyStDtTm. The
field is Y/N in my tblPatients. Once I get only the records >10 days old,
need another field that gives me the total days the patient has been here.


I presume you have an AdmitDate or some such field?

If so, you can use a criterion

<= DateAdd("d", -10, Date())

on that field to find only records where the AdmitDate is ten days or more
the past. Also add a calculated field by typing

DaysInTherapy: DateDiff("d", [AdmitDate], Date())

in a vacant Field cell. Use your actual date field's name in place of
AdmitDate of course, and change DaysInTherapy to whatever fieldname you

Worked Great!! Thank-you.

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