List of resources for Project


Andy Hollis

I have a request for a special view that lists several fields for active
projects. Most of the data was readily accessible. BUt there was a desire to
have just a list of the resource names that are associated with each project.
No task, date or duration information, just alist of resources. Is there a
way to do this without writing custom code?

Thanks in advance for any ideas,

Reid McTaggart

Not sure if this would meet your needs, but you could modify the project's
workspace in WSS to include the web part that displays project team members.

Andy Hollis

We are in the process of starting to utilize WSS. But we are not there yet.
What we really wanted was just a list of resource sas part of the view in
PWA. I relaize this is a pretty unique request. I do appreciate your feedback

I have a follow up question. Do you know where the physical files are
attached for WSS through MS Project if we tell MS Project to use our
SharePoint Portal site? Would the physical files be stored on the SHarePoint
Server or the server running MS Project Server?

Thanks again for your feedback!

Reid McTaggart

Here's another idea that might meet your needs:

In the Project Center, select a project by clicking somewhere on its row
(not the name hyperlink and not any indicator icons). Then click the Build
Team button at the top of the table. That will show you a list of resources
that are part of the project team. Note, however, that this list can include
resources who are on the project team but who are not assigned any work.

Regarding document storage, my understanding is that documents are stored in
the SQL database, and not as files on a drive.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --

How about this approach:

1. Log into PWA
2. Navigate to the Project Center
3. Click the link for the desired project
4. In the detailed Project view, select the Resources Summary view from the
Choose a view drop-down list

This will probably show more information than you need, but at least it
shows all resources in the project. If this View works for you, you could
create a custom Project view that shows less information still. Hope this

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