List of resources



MS Project 2003 (11.2.2005.1801.15) SP2 Project Server 2003 SP2
How can I get a list that includes all enterprise resources, their resource
code, and their hourly rate in one file. I need three columns of hourly
rate, one for each of the next three years. This information is in the cost
table for each resource. We need to do some comparisons because it seems our
rate table is not staying stable, information possibly changing by itself, or
inactive resources becoming active again and yet no explanation.

Marc Soester [MVP]

Spunky, Not sure if I understand your question, but this is how I would
extract the information.
Open your Enterpise resouce Pool in Project Professional. This will give you
all Enterprise resources. Then Insert the rate column ( it should be there by
default) and any other informaion you may need. You can then simply highlight
all rows and copy and past this information into an excel list for further
processing for example.

This seems to be the easiest way to get the information you are after.
I hope this helps

Dale Howard [MVP]

Spunky --

It sounds like you are using the feature in Project 2003 that allows you to
change Standard and Overtime rates on an effective date. Is this true? If
so, then you would need to write some VBA code to extra the necessary data
and export it to Excel. To write the code to extract the rate information,
you would need to look up the information about cost rates in the Visual
Basic Editor window. It's there, as I have used some of this information to
write code to automatically change the rates for all resources in the pool.
You can use the information in Rod's book on VBA to write the code to export
to Excel. Hope this helps.

Peggy Cornett

Yes, I can get what you describe below, however can I insert two other fields
to show the resource hourly rate, one for 2008 and another field for 2009 all
in the same view? I tried changing the current date in project information
in hopes of getting the rate to reflect a future rate from the cost table and
I could just export to excel and end up with the three rates (2007, 2008, and
2009) for each resource but I wasn't successful.

Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Spunky, Dale, as usual, is spot on :)
If you are after the effective dates within the cost rate tables, you will
need to extract it via VBA. The book Dale mentioned is excellent and you will
find it in Amazon ISBN: 0-9759828-7-7
Hope this helps
Marc Soester [MVP]
State Manager: EPM

Peggy Cornett

Yes it is true, Dale, I am changing rates on an effective date and that is
what I want to capture. Yes, got the book and thanks to both of you. I'll
see what I can do.

Peggy Cornett

The code below is from MSP sample code and this gives me (sort of) what I
want. How do I get the data to export to excel rather than show in a msg box
which is indicated at the end of this code?

Also, can code be ran against the enterprise resource pool, all active
resources? Any suggestions as to how is greatly appreciated.

Sub ListPayRates()
Dim CRT As CostRateTable, PR As PayRate
Dim Rates As String

For Each CRT In ActiveCell.Resource.CostRateTables
For Each PR In CRT.PayRates
Rates = Rates & "CostRateTable " & CRT.Name & ": " & _
PR.StandardRate & " (Effective " & PR.EffectiveDate & _
")" & vbCrLf
Next PR
Next CRT

MsgBox Rates

End Sub

Dale Howard [MVP]

Peggy --

I would recommend that you post this question in the
microsoft.public.project.developer newsgroup, as you are more likely to get
an answer there. Hope this helps.

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