List of Subfolders and Files


Martha Stone

Is there any way to print out a list of all the folders, subfolders and
files in, say, my My Documents folder? I'm leaving my current position and
most of my projects are on my computer instead of having hard copies printed

Any suggestions?



Martha Stone said:
Is there any way to print out a list of all the folders, subfolders and
files in, say, my My Documents folder? I'm leaving my current position and
most of my projects are on my computer instead of having hard copies printed

Any suggestions?


Surely you want to COPY all the projects in your "My Documents" folder, not
print a list of them? What good is a list of them if you are leaving?

Martha Stone

I'll make a COPY of the important files I will need, but I really do want a
LIST of files and folders so that I can describe what each file (or folder)



Martha Stone said:
I'll make a COPY of the important files I will need, but I really do want a
LIST of files and folders so that I can describe what each file (or folder)

Just in case you are one of the many that uses Microsoft Office
but does not know about the Microsoft Outlook Integrated File
Management Advanced Find component (finder.exe)...

You can use finder.exe to search for files in any folder on your
computer, any network drive your computer is connected to, and
any removable drive attached to your computer. Additionally, you
can use finder.exe to view a file list of a single folder.

Then you can print the view of the list directly from finder.exe.
Or if you want to save the list you can copy it and then paste it
into a program such as Word or Excel.

For some more information about finder.exe, search Microsoft
Outlook Help for the following phrases (with the quotes) and read
the topic(s) returned:

- "Print a view of a file list"
- "About finding items and files"
- "Search for items and files using Advanced Find"
- "Add or remove fields in a view"
- "Set up or remove individual components"

To copy the table list of search results or a file list of a
folder, and insert it into a programs such as Microsoft
Word or Excel:

- Click within the table list of results

- Select [Menu bar] Edit | Select All
(or keyboard command: CTRL+A)

- Use the keyboard command CTRL+C
(to copy file list of a folder). Note: Do not use
the right-click Context menu Copy command.

- For Excel select [Menu bar] Edit | Paste
(or keyboard command: CTRL+V)

- For Word select Edit | Paste Special | Unformatted Text


Martha Stone said:
Is there any way to print out a list of all the folders, subfolders and
files in, say, my My Documents folder? I'm leaving my current position and
most of my projects are on my computer instead of having hard copies printed
Any suggestions?

Here's an old DOS trick:

Navigate to the top folder that you want to print the list
of, open a command prompt, and type "dir /b /s > dir.txt"
without the quotes. This will create a complete list of all
the files in all the subfolders along with their paths. You
can open dir.txt with Notepad, Word, or a similar program
and print it at your leisure.


Hi Martha

Hope it's not too late to use this advice. There's a program called
DDFileCatcher, which works by dragging and dropping files onto it from
Windows Explorer. It turns them into text. It can be launched from
Microsoft Word or Excel and make a list with file paths, extension,
size and date.

To make a list of all the files in folders and subfolders, you would
need to do a search in Windows Explorer with the "Search for files or
folders named:" set to *.*, set the "Search Options" to "Advanced" and
"Search Subfolders". Perform the search, select all the files with
"Control-A" or "Edit | Select All". Drag the files onto DDFileCatcher
and either send them to Word or Excel or to the Clipboard or a text
file using the options available. There's an animated demo on the
website. It's at


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