List of Tables missing some entries



I have several objects in my word doc that were imported from a pdf. I have
captioned these as tables and they are automatically numbered correctly
throughout the document, but the List of Tables misses them, even after
updating. For what it's worth, when the captions were created, they showed
up as text boxes.
I'm sure there's a setting I should change to get the List to pick up these
other tables, but I can't find it. Can you help?
(using Word 2002, SP3)

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Captions in text boxes can't be "seen" by Word. Either convert the text
boxes to frames or pull the captions out and delete the text boxes.


Thank you, Suzanne. I cut and pasted the captions from each text box into
normal text. The numbering stayed OK and the list of tables now sees each

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