When you use a wizard to design a form, you can choose at a certain moment
the fields you want to include. Therefore you can select a field in de left
column and by clikking on the arrow button, the item goes to the right. The
same way you can go form right to left and also with a double arrow, can you
replace all the items in one move.
Has someone a suggestion to program that? I have a database with a number of
events. I want to select the machines, persons, etc that are involved in the
the fields you want to include. Therefore you can select a field in de left
column and by clikking on the arrow button, the item goes to the right. The
same way you can go form right to left and also with a double arrow, can you
replace all the items in one move.
Has someone a suggestion to program that? I have a database with a number of
events. I want to select the machines, persons, etc that are involved in the