Listbox and Arrays (x, y)



I have a combobox that I select items from and add to a listbox whos
recordsource is a valuelist.

If the listbox is multiselect and I need to remove selected rows, what would
be the best way? Do I need to read the whole valuelist list into an array
and manipulate it there before loading it back into the listbox? If I did
have to do that, how would I retain the array elements intact?

I would expect no more than about 12 rows / 2 columns in the listbox.


Steve M.

Starting with Access 2002 if you are using a ValueList you can use
where Index is the row index of the item to remove

assuming you have a button that the user clicks after making selection(s) of items to remove ...

Private Sub cmdRemove_Click()

' the items selected property returns an array of the indexes
' of the selected items but they are stored as variants.

Dim varItem As Variant

For Each varItem In Me.MyList.ItemsSelected
Me.MyList.RemoveItem varItem
Next varID

End Sub

Dan Artuso

If you don't have 2002, you can try this:

Dim varItem As Variant
Dim tempSource As String

tempSource = Me.List6.RowSource
For Each varItem In Me.List6.ItemsSelected
tempSource = Left(tempSource, InStr(1, tempSource, Me.List6.Column(0, varItem), vbTextCompare) - 1) & _
Mid(tempSource, InStr(1, tempSource, Me.List6.Column(0, varItem), vbTextCompare) _
+ Len(Me.List6.Column(0, varItem)) + 1)
Me.List6.RowSource = tempSource

Just replace List6 with your listbox
Watch out for line wrap!

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