Listbox and MSDataShape


Mike Settles

Using an Access Data Project, I fill a listbox by assigning an ADO recordset
to it:
"Set lstbox.recordset = rs"
This code works for me, and for two other people in my office. All others,
at the line above, get the error message "MSDataShape: Data provider could
not be initialized."

The environment is Office 2003, sp1. MDAC 2.81. Latest Jet service pack.
WinXP sp2.

The adp is disconnected (no full-time connection to the SQL database). I use
SQLOLEDB.1 as data provider in the connection string. The recordset is opened
with client-side cursor and optimistic locking.

Of the three people that this works for, two of use are admins, one is not.
The one who is not has the same permissions (Trusted Security) as others in
the office.

In troubleshooting, while one of the users was logged on, I set breakpoints
and watch the flow of events. I know that the recordset had records, but the
listbox would not accept the assignment.

I suspect (because of the MSDataShape error message) that the listbox,
internally, is attempting a connection using that provider.

Again, the recordset assignment works for some (on any office machine), but
not for others (on any office machine).

Thanks for any help.

Mike Settles
(e-mail address removed)

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