Listbox Columnheads Text



i see you can turn on columnheaders by clicking true or false in the
properties or by calling it by list1.columnheads = true

but my question is how do you create/Add Text to the headers ?
and i do know you can use listview to do this but i do not want to go that


Taylor79 said:
i see you can turn on columnheaders by clicking true or false in the
properties or by calling it by list1.columnheads = true

but my question is how do you create/Add Text to the headers ?
and i do know you can use listview to do this but i do not want to go that
Hi Taylor,
This has worked for me in VB.

With grdName
..FixedRows = 1
..FixedCols = 0
..Cols = 3
..Rows = 1
End With

columnheadings = " RoadName |>THE_DATE |< AVERAGE "
grdreport.FormatString = columnheadings

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