serdar özener
Dear authorized;
Word 2003 visual basic form did. I'm using in the form listbox. the number
of columns 3 listbox. How do I add columns of data. I'm getting data from
oracle database. listbox column headers name, last name and the phone is. I
would add however, all data fields in a listbox individual is added to the
bottom line. Columns are not included.
ConnString = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; Server= " & vt & "; "
ConnString = ConnString & "Uid=" & user & "; Pwd=" & pass & ";"
Set OraConnection = New ADODB.Connection
OraConnection.ConnectionString = ConnString
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
RS.Open "Select * from PRST0001 WHERE PRS_NAME_GIVEN LIKE '%" &
frmHasta.txtSoyadi.Text & "%'", OraConnection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Do Until RS.EOF
frmHasta.liste.AddItem RS!PRS_NAME_FAMILY
Set OraConnection = Nothing
Thank you in advance. Good work.
Word 2003 visual basic form did. I'm using in the form listbox. the number
of columns 3 listbox. How do I add columns of data. I'm getting data from
oracle database. listbox column headers name, last name and the phone is. I
would add however, all data fields in a listbox individual is added to the
bottom line. Columns are not included.
ConnString = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; Server= " & vt & "; "
ConnString = ConnString & "Uid=" & user & "; Pwd=" & pass & ";"
Set OraConnection = New ADODB.Connection
OraConnection.ConnectionString = ConnString
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
RS.Open "Select * from PRST0001 WHERE PRS_NAME_GIVEN LIKE '%" &
frmHasta.txtSoyadi.Text & "%'", OraConnection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Do Until RS.EOF
frmHasta.liste.AddItem RS!PRS_NAME_FAMILY
Set OraConnection = Nothing
Thank you in advance. Good work.