Listbox double click event


Greg Snidow

Greetings all. I found many posts with suggestions to my need, but for some
reason none of them work for me. I have a form with five unbound text and
combo boxes that populate a list box when a button is hit,from which I would
like the user to be able to double click a record and open frmJobInfo to the
record selected in the list box.

'Set the Dimensions of the Module
Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String
Dim dbNm As Database
Dim qryDef As QueryDef
Set dbNm = CurrentDb()

'Constant Select statement for the RowSource
strSQL = "SELECT tbljob_info.Region, tbljob_info.CO, tbljob_info.RTE,
tbljob_info.[F1/F2], tbljob_info.EWO " & _
"FROM tbljob_info"

strWhere = "WHERE"

strOrder = "ORDER BY tbljob_info.EWO;"

'Set the WHERE clause for the Listbox RowSource if information has been
entered into a field on the form
If Not IsNull(Me.cboRegion) Then '<--If the textbox txtRegion contains no
data THEN do nothing
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.Region) Like '*" & Me.cboRegion & "*'
AND" '<--otherwise, apply the LIKE statment to the QueryDef
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtCO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.CO) Like '*" & Me.txtCO & "*' AND"
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtRte) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.RTE) Like '*" & Me.txtRte & "*' AND"
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.cboF1F2) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.[F1/F2]) Like '*" & Me.cboF1F2 & "*'
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtEWO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.EWO) Like '*" & Me.txtEWO & "*' AND"
End If

'Remove the last AND from the SQL statment
strWhere = Mid(strWhere, 1, Len(strWhere) - 5)

'Pass the SQL to the RowSource of the listbox

Me.lstJobInfo.RowSource = strSQL & " " & strWhere & "" & strOrder

End Sub.

I copied the code from an Access tips website, and just changed the names.
It works great in acting as a filter to populate the list box, but the code
for the double click event of the list box does not work. Does anyone know
how to make this work for me? Thanks in advance.

Brian Bastl

It's as simple as docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsText]='" &
Me.MyList & "'" or
docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsNumber]=" & Me.MyList

Or did I misunderstand?


Greg Snidow

Thanks for the reply. I have tried both of those lines, and neither of them
work for me. When I try the text option my form opens up blank. When I try
the number option I get prompted for a parameter entry, and then my form
opens up blank. Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a back end? I
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work after

Brian Bastl said:
It's as simple as docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsText]='" &
Me.MyList & "'" or
docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsNumber]=" & Me.MyList

Or did I misunderstand?


Greg Snidow said:
Greetings all. I found many posts with suggestions to my need, but for some
reason none of them work for me. I have a form with five unbound text and
combo boxes that populate a list box when a button is hit,from which I would
like the user to be able to double click a record and open frmJobInfo to the
record selected in the list box.

'Set the Dimensions of the Module
Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String
Dim dbNm As Database
Dim qryDef As QueryDef
Set dbNm = CurrentDb()

'Constant Select statement for the RowSource
strSQL = "SELECT tbljob_info.Region, tbljob_info.CO, tbljob_info.RTE,
tbljob_info.[F1/F2], tbljob_info.EWO " & _
"FROM tbljob_info"

strWhere = "WHERE"

strOrder = "ORDER BY tbljob_info.EWO;"

'Set the WHERE clause for the Listbox RowSource if information has been
entered into a field on the form
If Not IsNull(Me.cboRegion) Then '<--If the textbox txtRegion contains no
data THEN do nothing
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.Region) Like '*" & Me.cboRegion & "*'
AND" '<--otherwise, apply the LIKE statment to the QueryDef
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtCO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.CO) Like '*" & Me.txtCO & "*' AND"
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtRte) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.RTE) Like '*" & Me.txtRte & "*' AND"
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.cboF1F2) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.[F1/F2]) Like '*" & Me.cboF1F2 & "*'
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtEWO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.EWO) Like '*" & Me.txtEWO & "*' AND"
End If

'Remove the last AND from the SQL statment
strWhere = Mid(strWhere, 1, Len(strWhere) - 5)

'Pass the SQL to the RowSource of the listbox

Me.lstJobInfo.RowSource = strSQL & " " & strWhere & "" & strOrder

End Sub.

I copied the code from an Access tips website, and just changed the names.
It works great in acting as a filter to populate the list box, but the code
for the double click event of the list box does not work. Does anyone know
how to make this work for me? Thanks in advance.

Brian Bastl

Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a back end? I
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work after

I don't have any experience with SQL 2K, but I wouldn't think so.

Which column from your listbox are you using in your Where clause?
Do you know the datatype of the field in your Where clause?

If it is text, perhaps there are records with punctuation or other special
characters in them. In that case, you'd need extra quotes

"[YourFieldIsText]=""" & Me.MyList & """"


Greg Snidow said:
Thanks for the reply. I have tried both of those lines, and neither of them
work for me. When I try the text option my form opens up blank. When I try
the number option I get prompted for a parameter entry, and then my form
opens up blank. Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a back end? I
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work after

Brian Bastl said:
It's as simple as docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsText]='" &
Me.MyList & "'" or
docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsNumber]=" & Me.MyList

Or did I misunderstand?


Greg Snidow said:
Greetings all. I found many posts with suggestions to my need, but
reason none of them work for me. I have a form with five unbound text and
combo boxes that populate a list box when a button is hit,from which I would
like the user to be able to double click a record and open frmJobInfo
record selected in the list box.

'Set the Dimensions of the Module
Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String
Dim dbNm As Database
Dim qryDef As QueryDef
Set dbNm = CurrentDb()

'Constant Select statement for the RowSource
strSQL = "SELECT tbljob_info.Region, tbljob_info.CO, tbljob_info.RTE,
tbljob_info.[F1/F2], tbljob_info.EWO " & _
"FROM tbljob_info"

strWhere = "WHERE"

strOrder = "ORDER BY tbljob_info.EWO;"

'Set the WHERE clause for the Listbox RowSource if information has been
entered into a field on the form
If Not IsNull(Me.cboRegion) Then '<--If the textbox txtRegion contains no
data THEN do nothing
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.Region) Like '*" & Me.cboRegion & "*'
AND" '<--otherwise, apply the LIKE statment to the QueryDef
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtCO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.CO) Like '*" & Me.txtCO & "*' AND"
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtRte) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.RTE) Like '*" & Me.txtRte & "*' AND"
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.cboF1F2) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.[F1/F2]) Like '*" & Me.cboF1F2 & "*'
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtEWO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.EWO) Like '*" & Me.txtEWO & "*' AND"
End If

'Remove the last AND from the SQL statment
strWhere = Mid(strWhere, 1, Len(strWhere) - 5)

'Pass the SQL to the RowSource of the listbox

Me.lstJobInfo.RowSource = strSQL & " " & strWhere & "" & strOrder

End Sub.

I copied the code from an Access tips website, and just changed the names.
It works great in acting as a filter to populate the list box, but the code
for the double click event of the list box does not work. Does anyone know
how to make this work for me? Thanks in advance.

Brian Bastl

Also, you may need to specify the listbox's column index

=""" & Me.MyList.Column(1) & """"


Brian Bastl said:
Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a back end? I
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work after

I don't have any experience with SQL 2K, but I wouldn't think so.

Which column from your listbox are you using in your Where clause?
Do you know the datatype of the field in your Where clause?

If it is text, perhaps there are records with punctuation or other special
characters in them. In that case, you'd need extra quotes

"[YourFieldIsText]=""" & Me.MyList & """"


Greg Snidow said:
Thanks for the reply. I have tried both of those lines, and neither of them
work for me. When I try the text option my form opens up blank. When I try
the number option I get prompted for a parameter entry, and then my form
opens up blank. Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a back end? I
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work after

Brian Bastl said:
It's as simple as docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsText]='" &
Me.MyList & "'" or
docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsNumber]=" & Me.MyList

Or did I misunderstand?


Greetings all. I found many posts with suggestions to my need, but for
reason none of them work for me. I have a form with five unbound
record selected in the list box.

'Set the Dimensions of the Module
Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String
Dim dbNm As Database
Dim qryDef As QueryDef
Set dbNm = CurrentDb()

'Constant Select statement for the RowSource
strSQL = "SELECT tbljob_info.Region, tbljob_info.CO, tbljob_info.RTE,
tbljob_info.[F1/F2], tbljob_info.EWO " & _
"FROM tbljob_info"

strWhere = "WHERE"

strOrder = "ORDER BY tbljob_info.EWO;"

'Set the WHERE clause for the Listbox RowSource if information has been
entered into a field on the form
If Not IsNull(Me.cboRegion) Then '<--If the textbox txtRegion
AND" '<--otherwise, apply the LIKE statment to the QueryDef
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtCO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.CO) Like '*" & Me.txtCO & "*' AND"
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtRte) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.RTE) Like '*" & Me.txtRte & "*' AND"
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.cboF1F2) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.[F1/F2]) Like '*" & Me.cboF1F2

Greg Snidow

Brian, it has to be something so simple. So far the best I can do is get the
form to open up blank with no error messages. Could there be something wrong
with the code I copied? The field for the where clause, EWO, is text, but it
has numbers in it. Every job number will have '8A0' first, followed by four
numbers like this; '8A01234'. I am completely stumped.

Brian Bastl said:
Also, you may need to specify the listbox's column index

=""" & Me.MyList.Column(1) & """"


Brian Bastl said:
Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a back end? I
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work after

I don't have any experience with SQL 2K, but I wouldn't think so.

Which column from your listbox are you using in your Where clause?
Do you know the datatype of the field in your Where clause?

If it is text, perhaps there are records with punctuation or other special
characters in them. In that case, you'd need extra quotes

"[YourFieldIsText]=""" & Me.MyList & """"


Greg Snidow said:
Thanks for the reply. I have tried both of those lines, and neither of them
work for me. When I try the text option my form opens up blank. When I try
the number option I get prompted for a parameter entry, and then my form
opens up blank. Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a back end? I
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work after


It's as simple as docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsText]='" &
Me.MyList & "'" or
docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsNumber]=" & Me.MyList

Or did I misunderstand?


Greetings all. I found many posts with suggestions to my need, but for
reason none of them work for me. I have a form with five unbound
combo boxes that populate a list box when a button is hit,from which I
like the user to be able to double click a record and open
record selected in the list box.

'Set the Dimensions of the Module
Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String
Dim dbNm As Database
Dim qryDef As QueryDef
Set dbNm = CurrentDb()

'Constant Select statement for the RowSource
strSQL = "SELECT tbljob_info.Region, tbljob_info.CO, tbljob_info.RTE,
tbljob_info.[F1/F2], tbljob_info.EWO " & _
"FROM tbljob_info"

strWhere = "WHERE"

strOrder = "ORDER BY tbljob_info.EWO;"

'Set the WHERE clause for the Listbox RowSource if information has been
entered into a field on the form
If Not IsNull(Me.cboRegion) Then '<--If the textbox txtRegion
data THEN do nothing
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.Region) Like '*" & Me.cboRegion
AND" '<--otherwise, apply the LIKE statment to the QueryDef
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtCO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.CO) Like '*" & Me.txtCO & "*' AND"
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtRte) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.RTE) Like '*" & Me.txtRte & "*' AND"
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.cboF1F2) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.[F1/F2]) Like '*" & Me.cboF1F2
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtEWO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.EWO) Like '*" & Me.txtEWO & "*' AND"
End If

'Remove the last AND from the SQL statment
strWhere = Mid(strWhere, 1, Len(strWhere) - 5)

'Pass the SQL to the RowSource of the listbox

Me.lstJobInfo.RowSource = strSQL & " " & strWhere & "" & strOrder

End Sub.

I copied the code from an Access tips website, and just changed the names.
It works great in acting as a filter to populate the list box, but the
for the double click event of the list box does not work. Does anyone
how to make this work for me? Thanks in advance.

Brian Bastl


the EWO value is the fifth column in you rowsource, therefore to retrieve
its value you need to use:


And therefore, since there appears to be no special characters in the field,
your docmd statement should look like the following:

DoCmd.OpenForm "MyForm",,,"[EWO]='" & Me.lstJobInfo.Column(4) & "'"


Greg Snidow said:
Brian, it has to be something so simple. So far the best I can do is get the
form to open up blank with no error messages. Could there be something wrong
with the code I copied? The field for the where clause, EWO, is text, but it
has numbers in it. Every job number will have '8A0' first, followed by four
numbers like this; '8A01234'. I am completely stumped.

Brian Bastl said:
Also, you may need to specify the listbox's column index

=""" & Me.MyList.Column(1) & """"


Brian Bastl said:
Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a back end? I
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work

I don't have any experience with SQL 2K, but I wouldn't think so.

Which column from your listbox are you using in your Where clause?
Do you know the datatype of the field in your Where clause?

If it is text, perhaps there are records with punctuation or other special
characters in them. In that case, you'd need extra quotes

"[YourFieldIsText]=""" & Me.MyList & """"


Thanks for the reply. I have tried both of those lines, and neither of
work for me. When I try the text option my form opens up blank. When I
the number option I get prompted for a parameter entry, and then my form
opens up blank. Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a back
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work


It's as simple as docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsText]='" &
Me.MyList & "'" or
docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsNumber]=" & Me.MyList

Or did I misunderstand?


Greetings all. I found many posts with suggestions to my need, but
reason none of them work for me. I have a form with five
combo boxes that populate a list box when a button is hit,from
like the user to be able to double click a record and open frmJobInfo
record selected in the list box.

'Set the Dimensions of the Module
Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String
Dim dbNm As Database
Dim qryDef As QueryDef
Set dbNm = CurrentDb()

'Constant Select statement for the RowSource
strSQL = "SELECT tbljob_info.Region, tbljob_info.CO, tbljob_info.RTE,
tbljob_info.[F1/F2], tbljob_info.EWO " & _
"FROM tbljob_info"

strWhere = "WHERE"

strOrder = "ORDER BY tbljob_info.EWO;"

'Set the WHERE clause for the Listbox RowSource if information has
entered into a field on the form
If Not IsNull(Me.cboRegion) Then '<--If the textbox txtRegion contains
data THEN do nothing
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.Region) Like '*" &
AND" '<--otherwise, apply the LIKE statment to the QueryDef
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtCO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.CO) Like '*" & Me.txtCO & "*'
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtRte) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.RTE) Like '*" & Me.txtRte & "*'
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.cboF1F2) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.[F1/F2]) Like '*" &
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtEWO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.EWO) Like '*" & Me.txtEWO & "*'
End If

'Remove the last AND from the SQL statment
strWhere = Mid(strWhere, 1, Len(strWhere) - 5)

'Pass the SQL to the RowSource of the listbox

Me.lstJobInfo.RowSource = strSQL & " " & strWhere & "" & strOrder

End Sub.

I copied the code from an Access tips website, and just changed the
It works great in acting as a filter to populate the list box,
for the double click event of the list box does not work. Does anyone
how to make this work for me? Thanks in advance.

Greg Snidow

Thank you so much, that was it. I was putting in 5 rather thatn 4. It now
works like a charm.

Brian Bastl said:

the EWO value is the fifth column in you rowsource, therefore to retrieve
its value you need to use:


And therefore, since there appears to be no special characters in the field,
your docmd statement should look like the following:

DoCmd.OpenForm "MyForm",,,"[EWO]='" & Me.lstJobInfo.Column(4) & "'"


Greg Snidow said:
Brian, it has to be something so simple. So far the best I can do is get the
form to open up blank with no error messages. Could there be something wrong
with the code I copied? The field for the where clause, EWO, is text, but it
has numbers in it. Every job number will have '8A0' first, followed by four
numbers like this; '8A01234'. I am completely stumped.

Brian Bastl said:
Also, you may need to specify the listbox's column index

=""" & Me.MyList.Column(1) & """"


Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a back end? I
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work

I don't have any experience with SQL 2K, but I wouldn't think so.

Which column from your listbox are you using in your Where clause?
Do you know the datatype of the field in your Where clause?

If it is text, perhaps there are records with punctuation or other special
characters in them. In that case, you'd need extra quotes

"[YourFieldIsText]=""" & Me.MyList & """"


Thanks for the reply. I have tried both of those lines, and neither of
work for me. When I try the text option my form opens up blank. When I
the number option I get prompted for a parameter entry, and then my form
opens up blank. Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a back end?
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work


It's as simple as docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsText]='" &
Me.MyList & "'" or
docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsNumber]=" & Me.MyList

Or did I misunderstand?


Greetings all. I found many posts with suggestions to my need, but
reason none of them work for me. I have a form with five unbound
combo boxes that populate a list box when a button is hit,from which
like the user to be able to double click a record and open
record selected in the list box.

'Set the Dimensions of the Module
Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String
Dim dbNm As Database
Dim qryDef As QueryDef
Set dbNm = CurrentDb()

'Constant Select statement for the RowSource
strSQL = "SELECT tbljob_info.Region, tbljob_info.CO,
tbljob_info.[F1/F2], tbljob_info.EWO " & _
"FROM tbljob_info"

strWhere = "WHERE"

strOrder = "ORDER BY tbljob_info.EWO;"

'Set the WHERE clause for the Listbox RowSource if information has
entered into a field on the form
If Not IsNull(Me.cboRegion) Then '<--If the textbox txtRegion
data THEN do nothing
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.Region) Like '*" & Me.cboRegion
AND" '<--otherwise, apply the LIKE statment to the QueryDef
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtCO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.CO) Like '*" & Me.txtCO & "*'
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtRte) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.RTE) Like '*" & Me.txtRte & "*'
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.cboF1F2) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.[F1/F2]) Like '*" & Me.cboF1F2
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtEWO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.EWO) Like '*" & Me.txtEWO & "*'
End If

'Remove the last AND from the SQL statment
strWhere = Mid(strWhere, 1, Len(strWhere) - 5)

'Pass the SQL to the RowSource of the listbox

Me.lstJobInfo.RowSource = strSQL & " " & strWhere & "" & strOrder

End Sub.

I copied the code from an Access tips website, and just changed the
It works great in acting as a filter to populate the list box, but
for the double click event of the list box does not work. Does
how to make this work for me? Thanks in advance.

Brian Bastl

Glad you got it figured out.


Greg Snidow said:
Thank you so much, that was it. I was putting in 5 rather thatn 4. It now
works like a charm.

Brian Bastl said:

the EWO value is the fifth column in you rowsource, therefore to retrieve
its value you need to use:


And therefore, since there appears to be no special characters in the field,
your docmd statement should look like the following:

DoCmd.OpenForm "MyForm",,,"[EWO]='" & Me.lstJobInfo.Column(4) & "'"


Greg Snidow said:
Brian, it has to be something so simple. So far the best I can do is
form to open up blank with no error messages. Could there be
with the code I copied? The field for the where clause, EWO, is text,
has numbers in it. Every job number will have '8A0' first, followed
numbers like this; '8A01234'. I am completely stumped.


Also, you may need to specify the listbox's column index

=""" & Me.MyList.Column(1) & """"


Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a back end? I
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work

I don't have any experience with SQL 2K, but I wouldn't think so.

Which column from your listbox are you using in your Where clause?
Do you know the datatype of the field in your Where clause?

If it is text, perhaps there are records with punctuation or other special
characters in them. In that case, you'd need extra quotes

"[YourFieldIsText]=""" & Me.MyList & """"


Thanks for the reply. I have tried both of those lines, and
work for me. When I try the text option my form opens up blank. When I
the number option I get prompted for a parameter entry, and then
opens up blank. Does it matter that I am running SQL 2K as a
have found that many of the tricks I have learned here no longer work


It's as simple as docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsText]='" &
Me.MyList & "'" or
docmd.openform "YourForm",,, "[YourFieldIsNumber]=" & Me.MyList

Or did I misunderstand?


Greetings all. I found many posts with suggestions to my
reason none of them work for me. I have a form with five unbound
combo boxes that populate a list box when a button is
like the user to be able to double click a record and open
record selected in the list box.

'Set the Dimensions of the Module
Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String
Dim dbNm As Database
Dim qryDef As QueryDef
Set dbNm = CurrentDb()

'Constant Select statement for the RowSource
strSQL = "SELECT tbljob_info.Region, tbljob_info.CO,
tbljob_info.[F1/F2], tbljob_info.EWO " & _
"FROM tbljob_info"

strWhere = "WHERE"

strOrder = "ORDER BY tbljob_info.EWO;"

'Set the WHERE clause for the Listbox RowSource if
entered into a field on the form
If Not IsNull(Me.cboRegion) Then '<--If the textbox txtRegion
data THEN do nothing
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.Region) Like '*" & Me.cboRegion
AND" '<--otherwise, apply the LIKE statment to the QueryDef
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtCO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.CO) Like '*" & Me.txtCO
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtRte) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.RTE) Like '*" &
Me.txtRte &
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.cboF1F2) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.[F1/F2]) Like '*" & Me.cboF1F2
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtEWO) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (tbljob_info.EWO) Like '*" &
Me.txtEWO &
End If

'Remove the last AND from the SQL statment
strWhere = Mid(strWhere, 1, Len(strWhere) - 5)

'Pass the SQL to the RowSource of the listbox

Me.lstJobInfo.RowSource = strSQL & " " & strWhere & "" & strOrder

End Sub.

I copied the code from an Access tips website, and just
It works great in acting as a filter to populate the list
for the double click event of the list box does not work. Does
how to make this work for me? Thanks in advance.

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