I have four columns A
. A=date, b=payee, c=catagory and d=amt. I am trying
to create a listbox based upon the catagory. In other words I want to know
all payments that have been for "entertainment". I have been trying some
code I found from Dave P. as follows;
Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim myCell As Range
Dim myRng As Range
Dim myWord As String
myWord = " Entertainment"
With Worksheets("SortSheet")
Set myRng = .Range("d1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "d").End(xlUp))
End With
For Each myCell In myRng.Cells
If LCase(Left(myCell.Value, Len(myWord))) = LCase(myWord) Then
Me.ListBox1.AddItem myCell.Value
End If
Next myCell
End Sub
It returns "Entertianment" from the category column for each entry. I also
need for it to include the date, payee and amount.
The second question is how can I make the catagory a variable that is
selected by clicking on a cell with the the category name... such as gas,
supplies, etc so that it will show a list of all entries (without a routine
for each).
Thanks for any help
to create a listbox based upon the catagory. In other words I want to know
all payments that have been for "entertainment". I have been trying some
code I found from Dave P. as follows;
Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim myCell As Range
Dim myRng As Range
Dim myWord As String
myWord = " Entertainment"
With Worksheets("SortSheet")
Set myRng = .Range("d1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "d").End(xlUp))
End With
For Each myCell In myRng.Cells
If LCase(Left(myCell.Value, Len(myWord))) = LCase(myWord) Then
Me.ListBox1.AddItem myCell.Value
End If
Next myCell
End Sub
It returns "Entertianment" from the category column for each entry. I also
need for it to include the date, payee and amount.
The second question is how can I make the catagory a variable that is
selected by clicking on a cell with the the category name... such as gas,
supplies, etc so that it will show a list of all entries (without a routine
for each).
Thanks for any help