ListIndex = cell value?



I have a list box that displays pending transactions
stored in rows on a worksheet. I want to be able to click
on one of these list box items and have the info from the
appropriate row load back into another user form for
editing. The information for the 1st item in the list
comes from row 2 and so (ListIndex + 1). Here is what I
have but it does not seem to work. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.

Private Sub lbPending_Click()

Dim j As Long

lbPending.ListIndex = i
j = i + 1


ufCreate.tbDiscription.Value = Worksheets
("PendingLog").Range("c" & j).Value

End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

I assume you are showing ufCreate as modal - so once you show it, the
remainder of your code doesn't run until it is unloaded or hidden.

Also, listindex starts with 0 for the first item. If I select the first
item and I want to refer to row 2, then I need to add 2 to i.

Private Sub lbPending_Click()

Dim j As Long

j = lbPending.ListIndex + 2

ufCreate.tbDiscription.Value = Worksheets _
("PendingLog").Range("c" & j).Value
End Sub

Should work.

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