Listing only sub totals in pivot table



Is there a way once the data has been put into a pivot table to only
list the sub totals instead of displaying all the data? I need to copy
all the subtotals for the daily averages only and past in either
seperate columns or a seperate tab or excel doc. Otherwise, i would
have to copy and past all 365 daily values.


Is there a way once the data has been put into a pivot table to only
list the sub totals instead of displaying all the data? I need to copy
all the subtotals for the daily averages only and past in either
seperate columns or a seperate tab or excel doc. Otherwise, i would
have to copy and past all 365 daily values.

On the pivot table I am copying and pasting the daily totals. Each of
the daily totals for all days about 370 total I would like in one

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