Listview Double Click



I have a listview control in a subform. I also have a treeview in the parent
form. When I click a child node on the tree, the subform displays the
corresponding record and fills the listview with a list of files in a
specified folder. I need a double click to open the selected file. However,
I can only get the double click event to fire after I have been editing the
code for the form all other times, it fails? Code below:

Private Sub Listview0_DblClick()
Dim lListItem As ListItem

Set lListItem = ListView0.HitTest(sngListViewX, sngListViewY)
If (lListItem Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "You did not double-click on a ListItem."
MsgBox "You double-clicked on ListItem=" & lListItem.Text
End If
Set lListItem = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub ListView0_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As
Integer, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
sngListViewX = X
sngListViewY = Y

End Sub


It seems to not recognize that the I'm in the control. Could this be because
it is in a subform? Maybe because the parent has a treeview on it and the
x/y is locked up in the treeview?


Because the main form has no records associated with it. I've tried and use
it in the main form but it was always one click behind.

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