little globe on pages in nav view



OK, I'm trying to rebuild my navigation structure to my page Problem is that the top and left borders show
as empty pages with text stating that I need to put them into navigation
view. Also, the link from all pages to home results in "do not find" msg.
After noodling around for three days I thought I'd just rebuild the nav
structure. The web was published to my local drive from the remote server.

When I open the web in local and then switch to nav view and try to drag or
insert new pages they came up with little globes on them. Now when I try to
drag something from the folder list to the nav page it won't work. What in
the heck am I doing wrong?

I've researched the Inside Out book, took the online training, read a lot of
the online documentation and letters, and read through most of the FP
questions in this discussion group looking for answers and I KNOW I'm not
this dumb! I created the site in FP98, got new computer WinXP HE, installed
FP2003, published remote site to local, then problems began.

I am fairly literal so I sometimes need to be talked through a process
step-by-step rather than conceptually. I would love to have some help and
would appreciate it very much.



Well, I would hope not, but the way I got them into the nav view was, after
publishing from remote to local, I then opened the nav view, only the home
page was visible so I started draging and droping from the folders on the
left window. [heavvvy siggghhhh]

Is it safe at this point to remove those "subwebs" from the navigation view?

If this info is helpful; the folder list shows c:/docsand
settings/myname/mydoc/mywebsites/mysite and then when that folder is open
the underlying folders start
w/_borders,_fpclass,_overlay,_private,_themes,_cgi-bin, and then there's a
alpha listing of folders for my parent navigation each with a + and when
opened they all show their appropriate child pages. I do notice, however,
that the default.htm which is my home page is in the WysiwygPro folder, and
not in a folder at the top of the page. Could this be one of my problems.
Does the default page need to be in it's own folder?

TIA for this answer and whatever else you can help me with.

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