Live Local Add-in




I have Windows XP SP2, IE 7.0 SP2, Offcie 2003 with the latest critical
patches. After installing the Live Local Add-in then restarting my PC I
tried creating a new appointment; however, although the "Location" tab was
successfully implemented the entire "Location" tab was unabled. Previously
when I had installed the beta version of the same Add-In the "Location" tab
worked. When the released version was available I decided to uninstall the
beta version then install the newly available version of the Live Local
Add-in. But it is now disabled. Can anyone help me with getting it running?

By the way everything on my computer was retail purchased and therefore
valid installs.




I am having the same problem on XP SP2, IE 6.0 Office 2003 Pro. The COM
Add-in does not stay selected when I exit advanced options under other. It
seems to me this is a pretty common flaw in live local for outlook. Radio
Ham is having the same problem as well as M Skabialka.

The beta worked for me as well.

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