Live Sharing issue--ink disapears



I am using the live sharing in a mathematics class to allow for the sharing
of work etc. I also use it to display notes for the class on the projector.
I can start a live session and students can join. I am sure to uncheck the
box that should prevent participants from editing the pages.

Periodically portions of what I have written will simply disappear after a
short delay. Has anyone else experienced this? It will typically be the
last items is not an entire page/subpage that is lost.

My notebook is being synced to a network drive. I don't seem to have any
connectivity issues during these times---otherwise the session would end.

The session does not terminate. THe session continues with both my one note
and the students have the last problem deleted.

I have tried doing this with a shared notebook. The delay until the
versions on my computer and studnets are synced prohibits its usefullness
with items to be discussed "in the moment".


John Guin

It sounds like you have the pen in "Use Pen as Pointer" mode. Click Tools |
Pen Mode and see if that menu item is enabled.


The pen is not in pointer mode. It is not a consistent issue where the ink
will disappear. You may write for 5 minutes fine. Then all of the sudden
the last 30 seconds of ink only disappears. Start writing again and it is
fine for awhile. Sometime later, the last 30 seconds disappears.

Any other ideas?


I teach upper elementary (5th) and want to try shared teaching sessions. Can
we communicate outside the forum about what you are doing with OneNote? (I am
a regular user of OneNote for my work.)

Hawaii public school teacher
substitute numerals for the words below:
jonathansevenzerozeroseven at yahooetc.


The pen is not in pointer mode. It is not a consistent issue where the ink
will disappear. You may write for 5 minutes fine. Then all of the sudden
the last 30 seconds of ink only disappears. Start writing again and it is
fine for awhile. Sometime later, the last 30 seconds disappears.

Any other ideas?

I have this same problem on my IBM X41 when I am using the writing pad
in OneNote 2007. When I hit insert or let the ink insert on its own,
it occasionally just disappears--i.e., it never shows up on the
onenote page. In addition, the "enter" key on the TIP never stays.
After I hit "enter" and start writing again, the test inserts (if it
doesn't disappear) right back on the previous line. I have seen a
number of people posting on different bulletin boards about this
problem and no one has a fix. I'm getting quite close to abandoning
OneNote, which is too bad, it would be a great tool otherwise.

Microsoft---PLEASE HELP!!!!!

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