Liveshare in OneNote 2007


College Guy

I would like to share PAGES not entire notebooks in OneNote 2007 while doing
a LiveSharing session. 2003 did this wonderfully, but 2007 has made it a
real pain.

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Erik Sojka (MVP)

That feature is still supported in the way that it was in ON2003, but the
preferred way to collaborate in 2007 is via Shared Notebooks.


You can just share out a section by using Share -> Live Sharing Session. If
you want to just share that page, copy that page to a new section.


Irina Yatsenko (MS)

Yes, this is intended design change from ON2003. The problem was that some
people grasped the Live Sharing very well and were very comfortable with what
is being shared and where. Others were perpetually confused and worried that
more pages in the section would become available through the live session,
also it was hard to find the pages being shared after you've happened to
navigate away from them. So we've decided to make live shared sessions more
isolated and moved toward whole section being shared.

On the plus side, live sessions in ON12 allow reconnection if the host
remaines the same, so you can keep the same section for live sharing over a
long period of time, just stop and restart it from the same machine.


Reggie Richardson

You can justshareout a section by usingShare->LiveSharing Session. If
you want to justsharethat page, copy that page to a new section.


How did you manage to share an entire notebook in OneNote 2007? I
actually want to do just that, accidentally brought up the option once
when I didn't want it, and haven't been able to figure it out again.
I know how to share just one section very easily, but also knowing how
to live share an entire notebook would be a tremendous help. Thanks.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

IIRC, you cannot Live Share an entire Notebook. You can create the
Notebook as a Shared NOTebook, which would enable offline and non-live
shared use.

Two good links on OneNote Live Sharing.
(the technology)
(how to do OneNote Live Sharing).

Essentially you determine which OneNote section you want to Live
It generates an email.
like this one... (note: i changed the URLs)

You have been invited to join a OneNote live sharing session. When you
join this session, you can collaborate with other participants by
viewing and editing a section visible to all participants.
Open the attachment to automatically join the sharing session.
You can also join the session by entering the session address and
password into the Join Live Session task pane in OneNote (accessible
from the Share menu).
Session address for participants on the same network:
Session address for participants joining over the Internet: <--- this is a hamachi URL (virtual private
If you need to provide a password for the sharing session, contact the
person hosting the session.
Note: To join shared note-taking sessions, you must have Microsoft
Office OneNote installed.

I guess to enter the session you open the attachment. I wonder what
happens if you open the URL and port in IE or OneNote ?
You have to type in the password somewhere .. and then I guess you are

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