You aren't reading my suggestion in its entirety. I'm saying T2 is the
*predecessor*, T1 the *sucessor* -- think of "predecessor" as meaning
"controlling" and "sucessor" as meaning "controlled." Most importantly the
link type is Start-to-Finish. NOT the statndard Finish-to-Start that you
have said you've tried. Start-to-Finish means that the Start time of T2
will link to and control the Finish Time of T1.
Your note below says the links you've tried are: T2 FS-21d T1.
I'm saying try: T2 SF-21d T1 Note that the order of F and S are reversed
in what I suggest versus what you say you tried. Leave the constraint at
the default "As Soon As Possible" for task T1. This will place T1 starting
as late as it can to have it finish 21 days prior to the start of T2.
I have to wonder, though, is there some reason T2 has to be the controlling
factor? Why not schedule T1 to start when the outage starts -- since you
said it can start then, why wait? Then have T2 linked from T1 FS with a 21
day lag time so that it starts 21 days after T1 finishes? Isn't that what
will happen if T1 takes longer than expected somehow? Won't T2 be pushed
back in that circumstance? The start dates for tasks are not the ends of
date ranges where task could start if the resource wished. They're better
looked on as the dates you have determined where the tasks SHOULD begin so
the project finishes on time and in budget, proactive rather than passive.
You don't the contractor he can start anytime after 01 Dec as long as he's
done by 15 Dec. You tell him the site is ready for him at 10am on the 3rd
of December and you'd like him there at that time with a backhoe to begin
digging a trench that should take him 2 days to finish. <grin>
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
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