Load DB on Access Startup?



Seems like this question should have been asked and answered repeatedly
(if it has, I apologize but I have not found the posts). Can I set up
Access to open my database automatically on startup? I've seen one
post that says no, but I can't tell if there is a consensus amongst the
well-informed. (I have a form that starts on DB opening, but would
like Access to be even more transparent, by foregoing the need to open
the DB itself manually.)

If it's possible, maybe you'd sketch the process for me. I have some
VB experience, but it's minimal and a couple of years old. I am a
complete novice when it comes to Access (though I am very happy with my
little database). Thanks for your input.


S Panja

In Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Scheduled Tasks add the shortcut
to the database and the workgroup file, and set File | Properties | Schedule
| Schedule Task to At System Startup.


Wow, these are both terrific suggestions, and taking such different
approaches! Neither does quite what I want, but they may be the best
approximation. I don't use desktop shortcuts, for reasons I won't go
into here, so the first solution is not the best for me (though its
simplicity is VERY appealing). The problem with the second solution is
that, while I always use access for just one database, I do use the
computer for many other tasks. So, while I'd like access to
automatically load the DB, I'd rather the PC not automatically load
Access on startup.

Please don't consider me ungrateful for the suggestions. As I say, one
of them may be my best option--they come very close to my ideal--and
either one might be perfect for someone else reading this thread. But
I wonder if anyone else has another suggestion, one that allows me to
start Access manually from its program group, but loads my DB
automatically at that point.

Thanks again for your help.


George Nicholson

Modify Lynn's suggestion, but rather than having the shortcut on your
desktop, add the shortcut to your StartMenu, Program Group, whatever.

Access does not have a "default database" setting, so the only thing to do
is to make opening your db "friendlier". A shortcut is the easiest approach,
but shortcuts don't need to be confined to the desktop. (Stated another way:
if you want your file opened, then open your file..)


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