Load from a XML File




I´m having a problem with Infopath and the Visual Studio .NET Toolkit. I
want to load some information from a XML with Infopath and while runtime I
want to read some other information from the same XML File with vb.net code.
Then i get the following error message:

The process cannot access the file "C:\Folder\text.xml" because it is being
used by another process.

I think the other process is infopath, but i don´t know.

thx Nils


Hello Inbar,

what means OM? And could I use it to refresh informations in other
textboxes? I want to use a dropmenu with suppliernames and if I change the
suplliername i want the other informations (fax, email...) of choosen
supplier in other textboxes. At the moment I´m using the OnAfterChange event.


OM is Object Model.
When writing scripts in InfoPath you can access this information (using DOM).
You can do all of that using InfoPath scripts without the need to write a
seperate process.

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