Paul Black
Hi everyone,
I have the following Program that evaluated the 3 SetWheels that were
Hard Coded in the Program.
What I would like the Program to do is pick up ALL the 6 number
combinations in the Excel sheet named "Data" and in Cells "B3:G?" and
evaluate those instead of those that are hard coded ( the combinations
will always start in Cell "B3" BUT the Cell "G?" will change depending
on the number of combinations to evaluate ).
The first combination is in Cells B3:G3, the second combination is in
Cells B4:G4 and so on. The combinations will be continuous down the
columns, and that there will be a blank row below the data.
What I would like please is to adapt the code between the *** so ALL
the combinations from the sheet named "Data" are used.
Here is the code :-
Option Explicit
Private Type Wheel
A As Currency
End Type
Private Type Digits
B(0 To 7) As Byte
End Type
Private BC(0 To 255) As Byte
' Start ***************************************************
Dim WHL(0 To 20) As Wheel ' Do not use 0th item
' End *****************************************************
Private Tested As Long
Const POOL = 9
Sub Generate()
Dim idx As Currency, tly&, cmb&, pik&, win&, output&, p&, tlyn&
' Build bit count lookup table
For idx = 0 To 255
BC(idx) = Nibs(idx And 15) + Nibs(idx \ 16)
Erase WHL
'SetWheel 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
'SetWheel 2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9
'SetWheel 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
' Start ***************************************************
If Range("B3:B3").Value <> 0 Then
SetWheel 1, Range("B3:G3").Value
End If
If Range("B4:B4").Value <> 0 Then
SetWheel 2, Range("B4:G4").Value
End If
If Range("B5:B5").Value <> 0 Then
SetWheel 3, Range("B5:G5").Value
End If
' End *****************************************************
Debug.Print "Result", "Covered", "(Tested)"
' Find matches
win = 7
For pik = 2 To win
For cmb = 2 To pik
Tested = 0
tly = Matching(cmb, pik, win)
Debug.Print cmb; "if"; pik, tly, "("; Tested; ")" ' -
End Sub
Private Sub SetWheel(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Num As Variant)
Dim vlu, cell As Long, bit As Long
Dim dgt As Digits, Wh As Wheel
For Each vlu In Num
cell = vlu \ 8
bit = vlu And 7
dgt.B(cell) = dgt.B(cell) Or (2 ^ bit)
LSet Wh = dgt
WHL(Index).A = Wh.A
End Sub
Private Function Matching(ByVal match As Long, ByVal pick As Long,
ByVal win As Long) As Long
Dim op1 As Wheel, op2 As Wheel
Dim idx1 As Long, idx2 As Long
' Loop through all possible combinations
For idx1 = 0 To (2 ^ POOL)
' Limit to the 'if X' value
If BitCount(idx1 / 5000) = pick Then
op1.A = idx1 / 5000
Tested = Tested + 1
' Loop through items in wheel
idx2 = 1
While WHL(idx2).A > 0
op2.A = WHL(idx2).A
idx2 = idx2 + 1
' Check for matching numbers
If BitCount(BigAnd(op1, op2)) >= match Then
Matching = Matching + 1
' Point to 0th item in wheel to exit loop
idx2 = 0
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function BigAnd(W1 As Wheel, W2 As Wheel) As Currency
Dim d1 As Digits, d2 As Digits, d3 As Digits
Dim idx As Long
LSet d1 = W1
LSet d2 = W2
For idx = 0 To 7
d3.B(idx) = d1.B(idx) And d2.B(idx)
LSet W2 = d3
BigAnd = W2.A
End Function
Private Function BitCount(ByVal X As Currency) As Long
Dim W As Wheel, d As Digits
Dim idx As Long, cnt As Long
W.A = X
LSet d = W
For idx = 0 To 7
cnt = cnt + BC(d.B(idx))
BitCount = cnt
End Function
Private Function Nibs(ByVal Value As Byte) As Long
Select Case Value
Case 0
Exit Function
Case 1, 2, 4, 8
Nibs = 1
Exit Function
Case 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12
Nibs = 2
Exit Function
Case 7, 11, 13, 14
Nibs = 3
Exit Function
Case 15
Nibs = 4
End Select
End Function
Thanks in Advance.
All the Best.
I have the following Program that evaluated the 3 SetWheels that were
Hard Coded in the Program.
What I would like the Program to do is pick up ALL the 6 number
combinations in the Excel sheet named "Data" and in Cells "B3:G?" and
evaluate those instead of those that are hard coded ( the combinations
will always start in Cell "B3" BUT the Cell "G?" will change depending
on the number of combinations to evaluate ).
The first combination is in Cells B3:G3, the second combination is in
Cells B4:G4 and so on. The combinations will be continuous down the
columns, and that there will be a blank row below the data.
What I would like please is to adapt the code between the *** so ALL
the combinations from the sheet named "Data" are used.
Here is the code :-
Option Explicit
Private Type Wheel
A As Currency
End Type
Private Type Digits
B(0 To 7) As Byte
End Type
Private BC(0 To 255) As Byte
' Start ***************************************************
Dim WHL(0 To 20) As Wheel ' Do not use 0th item
' End *****************************************************
Private Tested As Long
Const POOL = 9
Sub Generate()
Dim idx As Currency, tly&, cmb&, pik&, win&, output&, p&, tlyn&
' Build bit count lookup table
For idx = 0 To 255
BC(idx) = Nibs(idx And 15) + Nibs(idx \ 16)
Erase WHL
'SetWheel 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
'SetWheel 2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9
'SetWheel 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
' Start ***************************************************
If Range("B3:B3").Value <> 0 Then
SetWheel 1, Range("B3:G3").Value
End If
If Range("B4:B4").Value <> 0 Then
SetWheel 2, Range("B4:G4").Value
End If
If Range("B5:B5").Value <> 0 Then
SetWheel 3, Range("B5:G5").Value
End If
' End *****************************************************
Debug.Print "Result", "Covered", "(Tested)"
' Find matches
win = 7
For pik = 2 To win
For cmb = 2 To pik
Tested = 0
tly = Matching(cmb, pik, win)
Debug.Print cmb; "if"; pik, tly, "("; Tested; ")" ' -
End Sub
Private Sub SetWheel(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Num As Variant)
Dim vlu, cell As Long, bit As Long
Dim dgt As Digits, Wh As Wheel
For Each vlu In Num
cell = vlu \ 8
bit = vlu And 7
dgt.B(cell) = dgt.B(cell) Or (2 ^ bit)
LSet Wh = dgt
WHL(Index).A = Wh.A
End Sub
Private Function Matching(ByVal match As Long, ByVal pick As Long,
ByVal win As Long) As Long
Dim op1 As Wheel, op2 As Wheel
Dim idx1 As Long, idx2 As Long
' Loop through all possible combinations
For idx1 = 0 To (2 ^ POOL)
' Limit to the 'if X' value
If BitCount(idx1 / 5000) = pick Then
op1.A = idx1 / 5000
Tested = Tested + 1
' Loop through items in wheel
idx2 = 1
While WHL(idx2).A > 0
op2.A = WHL(idx2).A
idx2 = idx2 + 1
' Check for matching numbers
If BitCount(BigAnd(op1, op2)) >= match Then
Matching = Matching + 1
' Point to 0th item in wheel to exit loop
idx2 = 0
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function BigAnd(W1 As Wheel, W2 As Wheel) As Currency
Dim d1 As Digits, d2 As Digits, d3 As Digits
Dim idx As Long
LSet d1 = W1
LSet d2 = W2
For idx = 0 To 7
d3.B(idx) = d1.B(idx) And d2.B(idx)
LSet W2 = d3
BigAnd = W2.A
End Function
Private Function BitCount(ByVal X As Currency) As Long
Dim W As Wheel, d As Digits
Dim idx As Long, cnt As Long
W.A = X
LSet d = W
For idx = 0 To 7
cnt = cnt + BC(d.B(idx))
BitCount = cnt
End Function
Private Function Nibs(ByVal Value As Byte) As Long
Select Case Value
Case 0
Exit Function
Case 1, 2, 4, 8
Nibs = 1
Exit Function
Case 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12
Nibs = 2
Exit Function
Case 7, 11, 13, 14
Nibs = 3
Exit Function
Case 15
Nibs = 4
End Select
End Function
Thanks in Advance.
All the Best.