Load XLS into Spreadsheet control


Dan Ricker

No, an XLS file (Excel file) can not be loaded into OWC.

However, the Excel Publish with interactivity will
actually create a web page that is the corresponding OWC
control (Spreadsheet, PivotTable, Chart) and all the "XML"
needed to define the control such that it holds the same
information as the orginally Excel document (for the most
part.. there are some expections).


That's kind of ironic - the MS OWC Spreadsheet control
can't load an .XLS file...

Unfortunately the .XLS is being generated automatically by
another department, so I need to massage it from its raw


Dan Ricker

If the process is automated and uses Excel, is it possible
for the other department to include a "Publish with
Interactivity"? This would generate a web page that
contains the OWC SpreadSheet control (or PivotTable
Control or Chart Control).

IE can already load an Excel File. The OWC controls are
intended to provide a lighter wait solution to having
Excel like capabilities in a web page.

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