Loading Excel files


Guy Coleman

Since defragging my hard disk I have been experiencing problems loading my
Excel files. If I load a file by double clicking on it from within my My
Documents folder Excel starts and loads an empty page - the file association
is OK. If I start Excel and then go to File/Open the Excel file loads
perfectly. Does anyone have an idea as to what is happening?

Gary''s Student

Tools>Options>General uncheck "Ignore other Applications"
Exit Excel and try again

If this does not work, re-register Excel


I am having trouble opening files on any network resource from within windows
explorer. I re-registered the software but no change. Is there some kind of
switch or error checking that goes on behind the scenes that makes my
document take over 45 seconds to open?
We recently changed from a Novel Network to Windows Active Directory; could
that have an effect?
Thanks for any help I can get.

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