Alex Shirley
I'm trying to load two XML files into a OWC Excel Spreadsheet (ver
This will load will load one of the files:
oSS.XMLURL = "filepath"
set oSheet = oSS.Worksheets("bulkimport")
Add this code and the second worksheet will load, but will wipe out
all trace of the data in the first worksheet
oSS.Worksheets.Add oSS.Worksheets(1), ,1
oSS.ActiveSheet.Name = "Countries"
oSS.XMLURL = ("another filepath")
Set oValidate = oSS.Worksheets("Countries")
What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks
I'm trying to load two XML files into a OWC Excel Spreadsheet (ver
This will load will load one of the files:
oSS.XMLURL = "filepath"
set oSheet = oSS.Worksheets("bulkimport")
Add this code and the second worksheet will load, but will wipe out
all trace of the data in the first worksheet
oSS.Worksheets.Add oSS.Worksheets(1), ,1
oSS.ActiveSheet.Name = "Countries"
oSS.XMLURL = ("another filepath")
Set oValidate = oSS.Worksheets("Countries")
What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks