Josiah Fizer
Not sure this is the right forum for this question, but I'm stumped
and it never hurts to ask.
Due to security fixes from Microsoft we can no longer load XML data
into the OWC Pivot Tables using an ADODB.Stream.
However the following code will load the remote XML file directly into
the ADODB.Recordset over HTTP.
For some reason however it breaks when used over SSL (HTTPS).
Any thoughts?
<script language=javascript>
function LoadData()
var objRecordset = new ActiveXObject('ADODB.Recordset');
var strConnectionString = 'Provider=MSPERSIST';
var strQuery = jsvProtocolServer; // URL to the XML file.
try {
objRecordset.Open(strQuery, strConnectionString);
if (!objRecordset.EOF)
document.pt.DataSource = objRecordset;
//Automatically displays all columns on the pivottable
catch(e) {alert('No Data Returned');}
and it never hurts to ask.
Due to security fixes from Microsoft we can no longer load XML data
into the OWC Pivot Tables using an ADODB.Stream.
However the following code will load the remote XML file directly into
the ADODB.Recordset over HTTP.
For some reason however it breaks when used over SSL (HTTPS).
Any thoughts?
<script language=javascript>
function LoadData()
var objRecordset = new ActiveXObject('ADODB.Recordset');
var strConnectionString = 'Provider=MSPERSIST';
var strQuery = jsvProtocolServer; // URL to the XML file.
try {
objRecordset.Open(strQuery, strConnectionString);
if (!objRecordset.EOF)
document.pt.DataSource = objRecordset;
//Automatically displays all columns on the pivottable
catch(e) {alert('No Data Returned');}