LoadJpegGif question


Ulrich Simon

I downloaded the example code from www.lebans.com.
....and it seems to do what it should.
But how?

When I examined the code, I found the call to the function
LoadPicture(). But how can it read JPEGs without any
"external help"?

By reading the Access 2000 help, the function should be
only able to read bitmaps, metafiles and so on.
So i am somewhat sceptical that this code runs on a
plain windows (say at least w98) with Microsoft Access
2000 runtime installed.

Stephen Lebans

THe LoadPicture function I am calling is from the OLE Automation
library. The type library is stdole2.tlb. This library supports the
IPictureDisp interface. Basically it is the same function as the
LoadPicture method in Visual Basic which supports Jpeg files among
I could have written the code more clearly as:
set hPic = stdole.LoadPicture(strfName)

I wrote this code originally quite a while ago. If I remember correctly,
the Access Help file is wrong concerning the LoadPicture method exposed
by the Access Application object. I think it is really a call to the
StdOle library.

Stephen Lebans
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